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'Pine-Scented Rose' References
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 543.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa pulverulenta Bieb.
...southeastern Europe, western Syria, Cyprus, Caucasia, Azerbaidjan, Armenia, northern Iran, eastern Irak, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Turkey. In our country spreads around Çanakkale, Balıkesir, Bursa, Bolu, Ankara, Amasya, Gümüşhane, Kars, İzmir, Konya, Kayseri, Malatya, Bitlis, Isparta, Muğla, Niğde, Kahramanmaraş, Adıyaman and Hakkâri....
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 197.  
R. pulverulenta, R. glutinosa , Introduced 1821... small pinkish-white single flowers... foliage smells of pine...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 507.  
R. glutinosa Sibthorp & Smith, Species (Old Garden Rose), Flowers pink, small; pine-scented, ('Pine-Scented Rose'; R. calabrica Burnat & Gremli; R. ferox Regel, not others; R. libanotica Boissier; R. pulverulenta von Bierberstein; R. pustulosa Bertolini; 1821. Allied to R. eglanteria...
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 154.  
location 150/1, R. glutinosa Sibt. & Smith, SOUTHERN WINE-ROSE, CANINAE, Meditteranean region, Balkans, Anatolia, 1821, light pink, single, mild fragrance, medium size, solitary or cluster-flowered, late-blooming, bushy, upright, branched, 0.7-1.0 m, many prickles, 5-9 leaflets, bright red medium size fruit
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 263, 262 (Fig. 129 B).  Includes photo(s).
R. glutinosa Sibth. & Sm. Shrub, 05-07 m./1-2.3 ft. high, dense, very prickly, prickles partly stout and rather straight, partly bristly-glandular; leaflets 3-7, orbicular-elliptic, small, doubly serrate, glandular on both sides and margin, petiole and stipules; flowers solitary on short branches, pinkish, small, June; sepals pinnate, calyx and pedicel glandular-bristly, style puberulent; fruits scarlet, glossy, bristly, 1.5 cm./0.6 in. across. 2n= 35, 42. WR 150; KSR 18. (= R. pulverulenta Bieb.) E. and C. Mediterranean area, Balkans, Asia Minor. 1821. Similar to R. sicula, but prickles densely mixed with stalked glands (Fig. 129).
Book  (1981)  
[From "Trees and Shrubs Online" Beans considers R. puiverulenta Bieb. the correct nomenclature for this species and lists the following synonyms: R. glutinosa Sibth. & Sm.; R. dalmatica Kern.; and R. glutinosa var. dalmatica Kern.]
Rosa pulverulenta Bieb. (1808)
A shrub of dwarf, compact, bushy habit, whose stems are copiously furnished with stiff, whitish, straight or decurved prickles up to 3⁄8 in. long, intermixed with which are numerous small needle-like prickles and glandular bristles. Leaves 11⁄2 to 3 in. long, pine-scented and often sticky, owing to the dense glandularity of the rachis and leaflets, which are mostly five or seven in number, rarely nine, oval or obovate to roundish, 1⁄4 to 1 in. long, glabrous or more or less downy, glandular on both sides, edged with compound glandular teeth. Stipules glandular, broad, with short, triangular tips. Flowers rosy pink, 1 to 11⁄2 in. across, usually in pairs or solitary; pedicels 1⁄2 to 3⁄4 in. long, usually densely covered with stalked glands and sometimes downy. Sepals up to 1 in. long, slightly expanded at the apex, with a few slender, gland-edged appendages. Styles hairy. Fruits globose or ellipsoid, or broadest slightly above or below the middle, dark red, up to 1 in. long, smooth or glandular-bristly; sepals usually persistent. Bot. Mag., t. 8826.
Native of S. Europe from Italy and Sicily eastwards through S.E. Europe and Crete to Asia Minor, the Caucasus, the Lebanon, Iran and Afghanistan; introduced early in the 19th century. It is remarkable for its excessive covering of glandular hairs or bristles, more marked even than in R biebersteinii (horrida), from which it differs also in its hairy styles, very wide stylar aperture, fruits with usually persistent sepals and pink flowers. R. sicula has persistent sepals, but its wood lacks the bristles and needles so characteristic of R. pulverulenta.
R. pulverulenta is a variable species in such characters as the length of its prickles, presence or absence of down on the leaflets, the presence or absence of glandular bristles on the fruits and the size and shape of these. The plants portrayed in the Botanical Magazine and in Willmott, The Genus Rosa (p. 467, t.) came from the Darmstadt Botanic Garden; they have large ellipsoid densely hispid fruits and may derive from an introduction from the mountains above Kotor in S. Dalmatia, shortly before 1870, to the Vienna Botanic Garden. These plants have been distinguished as var. dalmatica.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 177.  
Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising...
R. glutinosa Sibth. et Sm. - According to Juseptschuk found in Transcaucasus ... and "the designation R. pulverulenta should be re-introduced". R. glutinosa is not mentioned in the Flora of the Transcaucasian Republics.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 208.  Includes photo(s).
Endemische Wildrosenarten der Flora der UdSSR, die für den Zierpflanzenanbau Bedeutung erlangen könnten...
Sektion Caninae Crép.
R. pulverulenta M. B.
Fl. taur. cauc. t. I (1808) 399
Büsche: 25 bis 30 cm hoch, Zweige fest, mit verschiedenartigen Stacheln bedeckt, grosse sichel- und nadelförmige, ahleförmige, gemischt mit borstenartigen Stacheln und Drüsen (dicht).
Mittlere Blätter an den Blütentrieben 4 bis 5 (6) cm lang; Hauptstiel kahl, seltener behaart, dicht bedeckt mit Drüsen und einzelnen Stacheln.
Blätter: Blättchen 5 bis 7, 1,5 bis 2 cm lang und 1,2 bis 1,5 cm breit, breit oval, an der Unterseite feine Duftdrüsen mit Haaren vermischt, Oberseite immerkahl, dicht mit feinen Drüsen besetzt, am Rand doppelt drüsig-gezähnt.
Blüten: einzelständig, seltener w bis 3 zusammen, 3,5 bis 4 cm breit, auf kurzen, 0,5 bis 0,8 cm langen, mit kurzen Haaren bedeckten Blütenstielen; Kelchblätter 1,2 bis 1,5 cm lang, auf der Rückseite mit kurzenHaaren und gemischt mit sitzenden Drüsen, Oberseite glatt, mit gefiederten Fortsätzen (nicht selten 2 bis3), bleiben an den äusseren Kelchblättern bis zur vollständigen Reife der Früchte erhalten, Blütenblätter dunkelrosa.
Früchte: 1 bis 1,5 cm lang, oval, dunkelrot, an der Basis stielartige Drüsen (Abb. 58-2, nach Chrshanowskii).
Wächst an steinigen Steilhängen.
Verbreitungsgebiet: UdSSR, Stawropolsker Krai: Beschtau, Berghänge bei Kislowodsk; Kabardinische ASSR, Dagestanische ASSR, Krasnodarsker Krai; Grusinische SSR: Abchasische ASS, Rayon Gori, Tetraikaroisker Rayon, Süd-Ossetische ASSR; Aserbaidshanische SSR: Rayon Kedabek, Lenkoran, Kirowabad, ASSR Nachitschewan; Armenische SSR: Martuninsker Rayon (Magil-Agridsha).
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 371.  Includes photo(s).
R.glutinosa Smith in Sibth., Fl. Graec. Prodr. I (1806) 318; Boiss., Fl. Or. 11(1872) 679; Crep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XXIX, 2 (1890) 14.- R. pulverulenta M. B., Fl. taur.-cauc. I (1808) 399 et III (1819) 344; Crep., I.e. XVIII (1879) 265, 384.- R.ferox Rgl. in A. H. P. V, f . II (1878) 348 p. p., non M. B.- Ic: Sibth., Fl. Graec. (1806) tab. 482; M. B., Cent. PI. rar. Ross, merid., II (1832) tab. LXII. - Ex.: HFRNo.2144,
Low shrub, 10—100 cm high, with rigid branches; prickles dense, unequal, rather thin, basally abruptly broadened, rather erect, rarely somewhat curved, larger prickles miixed with abundant very dense bristles and glands, these obsolete on old shoots; leaves 2.5— 10 cm long, often viscid; leaflets small, 5—7, orbicular -ovate, obovate or orbicular, obtuse, acute but short-glandular -bidentate, glabrous or more or less pubescent, both sides densely covered with glands, larger above than beneath; petioles generally pubescent, distinctly aculeate and glandular; stipules large, glandular -ciliate, with divergent auricles. Flowers solitary, rarely 2 or 5, small; pedicels very short, (2)5— 7(l3) mm, remotely pubescent and — like hypanthium and lower side of sepals— sparsely covered with thin, long spicules and stalked glands subtended by ovate bracts; sepals often pinnate, with 1—4 narrow pinnules on each side; corolla 3—4 cm in diameter, pink; style heads tomentose; fruit ovoid or subglobose, red, 1—2.5 cm in dianaeter, crowned by erect persistent sepals. June— July. (Plate XXX, Figure 5).
Herbaceous and on mountain slopes overgrown by shrubs, subalpine meadows and pastures. — Caucasus: Cisc, Dag., W., E. and S. Transc. Gen. distr.: Med., Bal.-As. Min., Iran. Described from Crete. Type in London.
Note . The leaflets of the USSR plant differ in shape from those of the authentic type of R. glutinosa, which appear to be consistently rounded. Eventually it will have to be called R. pulverulenta M. B.
Magazine  (1918)  Page(s) 153-156.  
R. A. Rolfe.
For some time it has been suspected that the Rose long cultivated and recently figured as Rosa glutinosa (Willmott, Rosa, p. 467, tab.) does not agree with the original R. glutinosa. Sibth. & Sm., at all events as figured by the authors, and a comparison of materials, with the aid of a specimen from the Sibthorpian Herbarium at Oxford, kindly lent by Prof. S. H. Vines, reveals an amount of confusion that it seems desirable to clear up as far as possible.
Rosa glutinosa, Sibth. & Sm., was originally described in 1806 (Sibth. & Sm. FI. Graec. Prodr. i, p. 348), and based on “R. cretica montana foliis subrotundis glutinosis et villosis, Tourn. Cor. 43," the habitat being given as "In Cretae montibus Sphacioticis.” A figure is also cited, which was subsequently also published in Sibth. & Sm. Fl. Graec. t. 482. In this later work we find the additional references, ‘‘ Lindl. Ros. 95," and "R. pumila alpina, pimpinellae exacte foliis sparsis, spinis incurvis, aquate purpurea, Cupan. Panphyt. ed. 1, v. i. t. 61. Turning to Lindley,  we find the farther synonym "R. rubiginosa cretica, Redout. Ros. i. 93, 125, t. 50,” with the localities, Hab. in Parnasso, Sibthorp; Siciliae montibus (Cupani); Cretae, Tournefort (v. s. sp. herb. Smith & Banks.)" There is also the note, "For the synonym of Cupani I trust to Sir James Smith. No copy of the Panphyton containing t. 61 has fallen in my way ...It appears from Redoute's figure, which is less happy than usual, to be cultivated in France; our own gardens it has not yet reached." Comparison of the figures and the specimens shows a considerable amount confusion, and the references cited include more than a single species.
R. glutinosa was thus based upon — from two different sources, first on the the "Rosa cretica montana" of Tournefort, to which the locality cited presumably belongs, and second on Sibthorp's figure and the specimen from which it was drawn, which we believe to be different. In any case, it includes more than one species, and as Sibthorp's materials are not in doubt we will consider them first. Redoute’s and Cupani’s specimens are not concerned in the original publication.
There is an original sheet of Rosa glutinosa preserved in Sibthorp’s Herbarium at Oxford, named, but unlocalised, except that the sheet is placed in a folded cover of blue paper on which is written "Mt. Olympus." Mr. Druce, however, tells me that no reliance can be placed on this circumstance, as the cover is of a later date. This sheet contains three branches, which have been named by Crepin as follows; "a, R. glutinosa, Sibth. & Sm.; b, R. glutinosa var. lasioclada, Christ.; c, R. glutinosa var. lasioclada, Christ?" The word "lasioclada" is evidently a slip for leioclada, Christ. in Boiss. Fl. Orient. Suppl. p. 222, which is localised as from the mountains of Greece. This variety leioclada is a form without glandular aciculi on the branchlets, and is actually the form described by Sibthorp. The absence of aciculi is probably due to its representing a mature state, for other specimens of R. glutinosa show the same condition, and the specimen marked ‘‘a’’ only differs in having traces of these aciculi. In the younger specimens there is generally a copious development of the glandular aciculi on the branchlets.
There is also a sheet from Sibthorp in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington. It is labelled as follows: “R. glutinosa, F. Graec., J. L.; aff. villosa, n. 8. Rosa parnassi, Sibth.” To this Crépin has added: ‘‘ Veros. R. Heckeliana,
Tratt., Crép.”” “J. L.’’ represents Lindley, whilst the specific name, R. parnassi, Sibth., though not originally published, was afterwards recorded by Crépin (Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. xviii. p. 395.) It indicates the locality where the plant was collected as Mt. Parnassus, Greece, where Heldreich subsequently obtained it. Borbas has since referred R. parnassi doubtfully to his R. Heckeliana var. semihaplodonta (Prim. Mon. Ros. Hung. p. 499), and in any case it is a form of R. Heckeliana. 
We now come to Tournefort’s original Cretan plant, which remains uncertain, for the description is inadequate and no specimen is known. Tournefort’s specimens are at Paris, and have formed the subject of a paper by Sieber (Isis, 1853, pp. 453-462), but no Rose is mentioned. Raulin (Descr. Crète, Bot. p. 448) enumerates only three Roses as natives of Crete, R. sempervirens, R. canina var. atrovirens, and R. glutinosa. Under the latter he includes Redoute's synonym above mentioned. R. resinosa, Stern. Spach. Phan. ii. p. 24, which was based on Redoute’s figure, and R. rubiginosa var. sphaerocarpa, Desv. in Journ. de Bot. ii. (1813), p. 118, a Rose from the French Alps. Raulin gives the locality as "Montagnes de Sphakia (Tourn., Sibth., Sieb.)," but this does not carry the question any further except as to Sieber's materials, of which a specimen is preserved at Kew. It is a fruiting specimen, quite distinct from that figured by Sibthorp, and from its softly villous leaflets and petioles is apparently a luxuriant form of R. Heckeliana, Tratt., with rather large leaflets, and an ellipsoid, very glandular fruit {in fully mature condition). The only other Cretan materials at Kew are in flower , and are typical R. Heckeliana, collected by Dr. A. Baldacci, in 1893, at Hagia-Pneuma, one of the summits of the Asprovuna Mountains, south of Khania, a locality some distance to the north-west of Sphakia, whence Sieber's specimen was obtained, and Tournefort's specimen also my well have been R. Heckeliana. At all events we find no evidence that the form figured by Sibthorp occurs in Crete.
This brings us to Rosa rubiginosa cretica, Red., which is held to include R. cretica, Tourn.- a view also taken by Thory (Prodr. Monogr. Ros. p. 110) and Trattinnick (Ros. Monogr. ii. p. 83) - but Redouté's figure is very different from that of Sibthorp, having far larger , simply serrate leaflets, and flowers of quite double the size, while the spines are reduced to a single stipulary pair, Tratennick (Ros. Monogr. ii. p. 83) mentions a R. cretica, Vest., as differing from Tournefort’s plant, and this is described by Sternberg (Flora, ix. i. pp. 74, 76) as R. resinosa. For this R. resinosa, Reichenbach suggests (FI. Germ. Excurs . p- 616) the hybrid origin , "R. rubiginosa-villosa", but Crépin make no mention of such a cross. R. Keller (Ascherson & Grabn. Syn. Mittel.-Europ. FI. vi. p. 67) makes of R. resinosa, Sternberg a variety of R. pomifera, Herrm.., while at the same time (p. 106) citing R. rubiginosa var. cretica Red., as synonymous with R. glutinosa, Sibth. & Sm. The R. cretica, Wallr. Ros. p. 144, is a complete mixture, including the forms already mentioned and several others, so that it throws no additional light on the question.
Lastly, we have Cupani's figure, which is in the Linnean Society's copy of the Panphyton, though absent from the one at the Natural History Museum. There is a corresponding specimen at the Linnean Herbarium, the one alluded to by Lindley in his phrase "(v. v. sp. herb. Smith).’’ It is inscribed ‘‘ Rosa pumila alpina Pimpinellae exacte folis (sic) sparsis spinis incurvis aquate purpae, Cupani, Pan. Sci. t. 61.” There is also a ticket: ‘‘ Rosa cretica montana fol. subrotundis glutinosis et villosis. Corolla rosea frutex humilis. Inst. Cor. 43." The reference is to Tournefort’s Corollarium, and Dr. B. Daydon Jackson informs us that the ticket is in the handwriting of Pietro Arduino (1728-1805), who sent many plants of Italian and garden origin to Linnaeus. It is a fruiting specimen and agrees in every respect with R. sicula, Tratt., Ros. ii. p. 68, as was suspected from the locality. R. Heckeliana Tratt., also occurs in Sicily, but is markedly different in its softly villous leaflets and petioles.
It is fortunate that the clearing up of the confusion about R. glutinosadoes not necessitate any change of name, for both name and character primarily belong to the plant figured by Sibthorp, though other things were inadvertedly included. This is in agreement with its use in later Floras. The Rosa glutinosa of cultivation, however, and figured at p. 467 of Miss Willmott's Monograph, difffers in its far more slender straight prickles, whilst the fruit is broadly ellipsoidal and twice as large as that figured by Sibthorp. The Kew plant of this name was obtained from Darmstadt in 1896, but its original source is not known. It very closely resembles R. dalmatica, A. Kern. (Bot. Zeitschr. xx. p. 10), excep that the latterhas globose fruit. This, however, Dr. Christ regards as a form of R. glutinosa, and we are inclined to think that it must be called R. glutinosa var. dalmatica, Borbas (Prim. Ros. Mon. Hung. p. 501), for Borbas, after describing the fruit as globose, adds "in cult. ovoideus,"  and this represents precisely the difference of the cultivated plant, so that it would be interesting to ascertain its wild origin and the reason for the modified form of the fruits. The question of hybridity is not excluded. Miss Willmott has a second plate called R. glutinosa (p. 468, tab.), which closely resembles a Cilician Rose to which the name R. poteriifolia, Schott & Kotschy , has been applied, but which is also considered to be a form of R. glutinosa. Whether any of the variations observed in R. glutinosa are the result of hybridisation cannot yet be determined with certainty, but natural hybrids with R. Heckeliana, R. glauca, and R. moschata are recorded by Dr. Christ, and it is possible that there may be others yet unrecognised. As to the Cretan Roses, further observations and materials are desirable.
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