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'Rosa turcica Rouy synonym' rose References
Book  (2018)  Page(s) 539.  Includes photo(s).
Rosa horrida Fischer
...southeastern Europe, the Balkans, southern Russia, Crimea, Caucasia, Armenia and Turkey. In our country grows around Kırklareli, Tekirdağ, İstanbul, Balıkesir, Bolu, Amasya, Zonguldak, Kütahya, Eskişehir and Muğla....
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 33.  
Rosa horrida  A strange, gooseberry-like bush with small, white flowers followed by globular dark red heps. c.1796. F. Shade tolerant. (S) 2 x 2’.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 264.  
R. horrida Fisch.
low shrub, branches rather stiff...branches rather stiff..prickles short and unequal, very hooked, dilated at the base; leaflets solitary, white, 3 cm./ 1.2 in...fruits ovoid-globose...

S.E. Europe, Turkey, Caucasus. 1796.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 180.  
Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising...
R. volhyniensis Chrshan. - according to Chrshanowskii related to R. bordzilowskii Chrshan., which itself is close to R. rubiginosa L. and R. horrida Fisch. According to "Flora Europa" = R. turcica Rouy (R. ferox M. B., R. horrida Fisch. ex Crép.)
Book  (1971)  Page(s) 370-371.  Includes photo(s).
R.horrida Fischer, Cat. Hort. Gorenk. (1812)66; Crep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XI (1872) 86.- R.ferox M. B., Cent. pi. Ross. I (1810) ab. XXXVIII; Fl. taur.-cauc. 111(1819)339; Boiss., Fl. or II (1872) 687; Crep. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XVIII (1879) 257; Christ in Boiss., Fl. Or. Suppl. (1888)220; Crep., I.e. XXX, 11(1892)87, nonLawrence.- R.rubiginosa v. minor Ldb., Fl. Ross. II (1844) 80. — R. rigida Willd. ex Crep., ib. XI (1872) 84.— ? R. ferox var. boissieriana Rgl. in A. H. P. V, f.2 (1878) 348.- R.micrantha var. ferox Crep., I.e. XVIII (1879) 259.- Ic: M. B., I.e. (1810); Willmott, Gen. Rosa (1912) 477, tab.
Low shrub, 60 cm, densely branching with short branches; prickles very unequal; the larger firm, hamate, sometimes suberect, gradually broadening toward base, the smaller very short pricklets, mixed with glandular bristles; leaves small, leaflets 5—7, approximate, very small, 1—2 cm long, broadly ovate or suborbicular, with orbicular or slightly tapering base, sometimes acute., doubly glandular -serrate, with 8—15 teeth at each side, glandular on both sides (remotely above, densely beneath), somewhat pubescent beneath along midrib; petioles generally glabrous, markedly glandular, often with small curved prickles; stipules with erect or divergent auricles, glandular beneath and along margin. Flowers solitary, rarely 2 or 3, on short (3— 9 mm long) glandular -hispid pedicels; hypanthia ovoid, elongate or lageniform, smooth or like sepals glandular -hispid on the outside; sepals 10— 14. mm long, shorter than or as long as petals, pinnate, often broadened distally, recurved, caducous; crown small, 1.5— 3.5 mm in diameter; petals white, notched; style heads small, glabrescent, usually conical; fruit globose or ovoid, 10— 16 mm long, smooth or with few acicular pricklets. June. (Plate XXX, Figure 4).
Hills.— European part: Crim.; Caucasus: Cisc. Gen. distr.: Rumania (Transylvania), As. -Min. Described from the Crimea. Type in Leningrad.
Website/Catalog  (1923)  Page(s) 51.  
Rosa ferox (M. B.) Single, white.
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