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'Don Casteri' rose References
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 214-215.  Includes photo(s).
Doncasterii (R. doncasterii) Hybrid macrophylla. E. Doncaster 1930. Parentage: R. macrophylla seedling. Description... Flowers pink verging on red...
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 158.  
location 81, R. macrophylla 'DONCASTERII', carmine-pink, single, solitary or cluster-flowered, large, floriferous, early-blooming, vigorous, upright-arching, branched, 3 m, without prickles, light-medium green large matte foliage, 7-9 leaflets, orange-red large glandular bottle-shaped fruit, persistent sepals
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 32.  

Rose Doncasterii (macrophyllia)  A vigorous shrub with dark green foliage. Single flowers of deep pink with pronounced anthers. Huge flaggon shaoed heps of orange red c.1930. F. W. Shade tolerant.  (S) 15 x 8’.

Book  (1981)  Page(s) 179.  
'Doncasteri' (Shrub) Probably raised by Dr C. C. Hurst, introduced between the wars by Mr. Doncaster of J. Burrell and Co., Cambridge.-This is near to R. macrophylla . Compared with that species, the leaves and flowers are smaller and darker. In early autumn it is laden with large, red flagon-shaped heps, at which time it has few peers. 6 ft.
Book  (1966)  
I think I should choose another one in the same group and it would either be R. macrophylla 'Doncasteri' or R. setipoda. Both have single clear pink flowers, and bottle-shaped fruits of largest size, the former smooth and of brilliant....
Book  (1963)  
'Doncasteri'. A form of R. macrophylla put on the market between the wars by Mr Doncaster of Messrs. J. Burrell and Co. of Cambridge, but probably one of Dr Hurst's seedlings. It has narrower, darker green leaves than the type, ...
Magazine  (1958)  Page(s) 165.  
Rosa macrophylla doncasterii.- Erect stems bearing a profusion of large dull orange-scarlet hips. Shown by Mr. L. Maurice Mason.
Book  (1932)  
...EE septet species R. macrophylla Doncasteri with 7 bivalents in pollen mother cell.
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