'Rosa jundzillii Besser synonym' rose References
Book (2018) Page(s) 540. Includes photo(s). Rosa jundzillii Beser ...central and southern Europe, Crimea, southern Russia, Caucasia and Turkey. Grows naturally around Sivas and Erzincan...
Book (1988) Page(s) 159. location 150/2, R. marginata Wallr. (R. jundzillii Besser; R. zagrebensis Vukot), CANINAE, central + eastern Europe, western Asia, 1870, pink-white, single, mild fragrance, large, solitary or cluster-flowered, floriferous, late-blooming, vigorous, upright, 2.5-4 m, few broad prickles, large foliage, 5-7 leaflets, orange-coloured small-medium matte-glossy glandular ovoid to urn-shaped fruit, upright persistent long foliaceous sepals, fall off singly
location 150/2, R. marginata Wallr. (R. jundzillii Besser), provenance: Tallinn, carmine-pink, single, fragrant, small-medium, solitary or cluster-flowered, floriferous, early-blooming, vigorous, upright, 2 m, not very branched, many prickles, medium green medium-klarge matte foliage, 7 leaflets, orange-red medium size matte-glossy urn-shaped fruit, extended, elongated foliaceous sepals, fall off singly
Website/Catalog (1984) R. jundzillii Besser 2n=42
Book (1981) Page(s) 266. R. marginata Wallr. Upright shrub, 2-2.5 m high. Closely related to R. canina but marked by nearly straight prickles. Leaves doubly glandular serrate, glandular benearth. Flowers... pink, later changing to white, up to 7 cm. across...fruit ovoid, dark red, smooth, sepals dropping. 2n=42 syn. = R. jundzillii Bess. Central and Eastern Europe, Asia Minor.
Book (1976) Page(s) 177. Botanical roses on the territory of the USSR, whose independence requires precising... R. jundzillii Bess. - according to Rehder a synonym for R. marginata Wallroth, according to Krüssmann a synonym for R. marginata Wallroth; according to McFarlane a synonym for R. marginata Wallroth; according to Chrshanowski a geographic race in forest conditions, marked by extraordinarily intensive variability and its hybridogene descent can be assumed as proven in recent times.
Book (1971) Page(s) 362. R. jundzillii Besser, Cat. Hort. Crem. (1816)117; M.B., Fl. taur.-cauc. 111(1819)347; Crep., Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. XVIII, 1 (1878) 231, 364, XXIX, II (1890) 15 et XXXI, 2 (1892) 80.- ? R.marginata Wallr., Annus Bot. (l815) 68 (nom. pr.). — R. glandulosa Bess., Cat. Hort. Crem. Suppl. V (1814) 20, non Bell, — R. trachyphylla Rau, Enum. Ros, Wirceb. (1816) 124. — R. jundzilliana Bess. Enum., PI. Volh. Pod. (1822) 67.— R. britzensis Koehne in Fedde, Rep. Sp. nov. VIII (1910) 21 et XI (1913) 530.- Ic: Hegi, 111. Fl. ,IV, 2, f. 1219. - Exs.: Kern., fl, exs. austr,-hung. No. 463; HFR No. 2110 a, b. Shrub, usually low-growing (1 m, sometimes to 3 m high), loose; prickles erect or curved, few, at times suberect, thin, very rarely mixed with small erect acicular pricklets; shoots very often prickleless; leaflets 5—9, 25— 48 mm long, obovate or elliptic, obtuse or acute, glabrous, rarely pubescent beneath along veins, often remotely glandular beneath, with prominent nerves, doubly glandular -serrate; stipules large, with glandular margins, and parallel or divergent veins. Flowers solitary or 2—6, pedicels 10— 2 mm, like lower part of hypanthium glandular -hispid; sepals 18—25 mm long, shorter than petals, somewhat broadened distally, thin-pinnate, with 2—4 pinnules on each side, recurved, rarely slightly spreading, persistent until ripening; corolla to 8 cm in diameter; petals large, 20— 30 mm long, bright pink; style pubescent, with sessile, flattened, head, lanate; fruit 2.5—3 cm in diameter, globose or ovoid, tapering to a short crown. June. Amid shrubs, steppes, stony places.— European part: M.Dnp., Crim.; Caucasus: Cisc, Gen. distr.: Centr, and Atl. Eur. (S. and E. France, C. Germany, Alps and Carpathians).
Book (1937) Page(s) 72. Jundzillii (Willm.) Bess. (Can.-Jundzil.) [ploidy] 42 ([thereof univalents:] 28)
Website/Catalog (1923) Page(s) 52. Rosa Jundsilli (Bess.). Single-bloomed light pink. Syn.: R. trachyphyla (Rau).
Book (20 Feb 1912) Page(s) No. 233, p. 71. Seeds and plants imported during the period from January 1 to March 31, 1911: ...30259. Rosa jundzilli Besser. Distribution.- From France eastward through southern Russia to Armenia.
Article (magazine) (1897) Page(s) 147-148. R. Jundzilli Bess.
a. Feuille. — Poils simples nombreux sur Tépiderme inférieur, rares sur le supérieur ou nuls. Poils glandulifères sur l'épiderme inférieur. Épidermes recticurvilignes, le supérieur d'une épaisseur de 26-30 μ, à cellules grandes ou très grandes ; l'inférieur d'une épaisseur de 15-20 μ, à cellules grandes. Stomates d'une longueur de 34-38 μ, plus grands ou plus petits que les cellules environnantes. Mésophylle bifacial, d'une épaisseur de 103-116 μ, composé de 5-6 assises, les deux supérieures transformées en palissades remplissant 1/2-2/3 de l'épaisseur totale. Parenchyme spongieux lacuneux, à cellules allongées et disposées horizontalement. Faisceaux libéro-ligneux des nervures et du pétiolule avec fibres péridesmiques bien développées.
b. Tige. — Périderme se développant tardivement (trois ou quatre ans). Parenchyme cortical composé de 16-18 assises de cellules. Liber avec ou sans libres mécaniques. Bois très vasculaire. Moelle à cellules grandes, rarement moyennes. (Incl. les var. trachyphylla et Pugeti.)