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'Basye's Blueberry' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 106.  
‘Basye’s Blueberry’ = Arbuste… fleurs à 7 pétales, de taille moyenne, réunies en petits bouquets au ras du feuillage, d’ordinaire en bout de rameau. D’un rose lilas vif et gai, rehaussé d’étamines jaunes, elles s’épanouissent sur plusieurs semaines en été… parfum suave. L’arbuste, grand et érigé… doit son nom à son feuillage et ses rameaux évoquant ceux de la myrtille, particulièrement en automne, lorsqu’ils se parent de tons de feu. Sa résistance aux maladies et son abscence d’aiguillons en font un rosier précieux, notamment pour l’hybridation. Basye, US, 1982.
Book  Page(s) 4.  
The Antique Rose Emporium catalogue states that it received the name because the bush resembles a blueberry bush in shape, growth habit, and colorful autumn foliage... It has proven that it doesn't require any attention beyond sunlight and water. The plant is completely prickle-free and a joy to touch. The canes are more erect, with larger, softer leaves than 'Basye's Thornless'. It usually blooms in small clusters at the ends of the branches. The buds are longer than those of 'Basye's Thornless', with longer sepals. The 3-3 1/2 inch semi-double, open, flat flowers are a bright, pretty lilac-pink, and are illuminated by plentiful, bright yellow pollen. In its first year in my garden, it's not been out of bloom all summer. There is even a strong, sweet fragrance. I don't see why 'Basye's Blueberry' couldn't be used wherever you wanted a perpetual-blooming shrub. A conversation with Dr. Byrne at Texas A&M uncovered the parentage as 'Commander Gillette' x ['Commander Gillette' x (R. virginiana alba x 'Betty Morse')]. So far, the Antique Rose Emporium is the only source, but expect more rose nurseries to offer 'Basye's Blueberry' once its sterling qualities are discovered.
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