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'Rosa setipoda Hemsl. & E.H.Wilson' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 106-962
most recent 5 OCT 22 SHOW ALL
Reply #1 of 4 posted 15 DEC 19 by Plazbo
It could be a similar situation to R.Californica where the species is highly variable with it's thorns....would probably need to peoples first hand experiences in seeing it in the world to confirm/deny that though.

Given the fairly thornless version in Australia vs the various thorny forms in other places it's likely more a case of undocumented hybridization as I assume most places likely imported from one central source ~100 years ago or something.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 4 OCT 22 by Plazbo
I came across a reference in the Orange Botanic Gardens rose brochure.

Under the rose R. sertata the description is

"This rose is often sold in Australia for R. setipoda, which is much better known and it could be, that all roses named after the latter in this country are in fact our subject rose; it was introduced in 1904. This species is said to be related to R. webbiana.

The rose has long arching, slender and spreading reddish brown growth that ages to a grey brown and with few to no prickles; it can be around 2metres high and spread to 4metres across. The foliage is quite delicate with small, mid green leaflets 5 to 9 to a stem, smooth and oval with paler reverse and up to 15mm long; the young leaves are often coppery and the stems are red with small reddish stipules. The lightly fragrant flowers are solitary, pale lilac pink with white centres around 40mm across, on short stems and with reddish stamens; the sepals are fairly long and retained on the small, red bottle shaped hips. The rose commences flowering in mid spring and can flower over an extended period. The rose is best grown by budding onto an appropriate understock."

which may explain things if the division is down to Australian pictures vs elsewhere.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 5 OCT 22 by Margaret Furness
Good find.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 5 OCT 22 by jedmar
Quite! And if you check Vilmorin's pictures of Rosa macrophylla var. crasseaculeata, it seems that the synonymity with Rosa setipoda could be questioned. The prickles have a pteracantha-shape.
Reply #5 of 4 posted 5 OCT 22 by Patricia Routley
Plazbo’s reference was written by Peter Cox and I have added this 2016 reference. His last paragraph questions the identity of the rose he places under R. sertata.
Mr. Cox mentioned reddish stamens. I think my R. setipoda stamens have all been yellow and the height of my canes are now about three metres.
Discussion id : 105-978
most recent 11 OCT 17 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 11 OCT 17 by Jonathan Windham
Available from - Old Market Farm
Discussion id : 2-461
most recent 25 FEB 04 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 FEB 04 by Unregistered Guest
I was told that the Hemsleyana is a species rose from Central China. Is that true?
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