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'R. hemsleyana' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Nov 2017)  Page(s) 9.  
In 1901 he [E. H. Wilson] re-introduced Maurice de Vilmorin’s 1895 R. setipoda, a purplish-rose species with whitish centers, distinctive for its gland-tipped bristles on long pedicels and its numerous foliaceous bracts.
Book  (2016)  Page(s) 88.  Includes photo(s).
R. sertata*.  Rosa Subgenus Rosa (Eurosa).  Section Rosa.  *identity not certain - see below.  Native to: Central and Western China.  Chromosomes: 14.
This rose is often sold in Australia for R. setipoda, which is much better known, and it could be that all roses named after the latter in this country are in fact our subject rose;  it was introduced in 1904. This species is said to be related to R. webbiana.
The rose has long arching, slender and spreading reddish brown growth that ages to a grey brown and with few to no prickles;  it can be around 2 metres high and spread to 4 metres across.
The foliage is quite delicate with small, mid green leaflets 5 to 9 to a stem, smooth and oval with paler reverse and up to 8-15mm long;  the young leaves are often coppery and the stems are red with small reddish stipules. The lightly fragrant flowers are solitary, pale lilac pink with white centres around 40mm across, on short stems and with reddish stamens;  the sepals are fairly long and retained on the small, red bottle shaped hips up to 40 mm long and 12 mm across.  
The rose commences flowering in mid spring and can flower over an extended period. The rose is best grown by budding onto an appropriate understock.
There is some doubt as to the true identity of the rose. The original identity of the rose here depicted was established by the author, but a recent obtained taxonomist's description of R. sertata does not accord with the rose in the Gardens, and further research will be required. 
Article (misc)  (2005)  Page(s) 111, Table 5-1.  
R. hemsleyana : hexaploid
Book  (May 2003)  Includes photo(s).
Rosa setipoda Hemsley & E.H. Wilson
Rosa hemseleyana Tackholm; R. macrophylla Linley var. crasseaculeata Vilmorin
Shrubs to 3 meters tall; prickles sparse to absent, straight or slightly curved, stout, flat, even tapering to a broader base. leaflets 5-9, elliptic...Flowers in lax corymb; Petals 5, pink or rose-purple..Hip deep red, oblong-ovoid, 1-2 cm in dimater, with a neck at apex, glandular pubescent or not with persistent, erect sepals.
Flowers May - July, fruit July - October.
Article (magazine)  (2001)  Page(s) 393.  
R. setipoda Hemsl. et Wils. Ploidy 4x
Pollen fertility 13.9%
Selfed Fruit set 0%
Book  (Mar 1998)  Page(s) 8.  
R. setipoda almost no thorns and leaves with a wonderful incense scent
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 237.  Includes photo(s).
Photo of hips.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 512.  
R. setipoda Hemsley & Wilson, Species, pale pink, (R. macrophylla crasseaculeata Vilmorin); 1895. Description.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 507.  
R. hemsleyana Täckholm, Species, light pink [lp],
(R. macrophylla Crépin, not Lindley; R. setipoda Rolfe, not Hemsley & Wilson); 1904.
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 77.  Includes photo(s).
[Listed under "Wild Roses and Their Cultivars"] Description. Rosa moyesii-like hips. Collected in China by Wilson in 1901. Summer flowering. Height: 8 ft. Some scent.
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