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'R. woodsii' rose Description
'<I>Rosa woodsii </I>var<I> fendleri</I> (Crép.) Rydb. syn.' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Fara Shimbo
Commercially available
HMF Ratings:
103 favorite votes.  
Average rating: GOOD.  
Medium pink Species.
Species / Wild.  
Light pink or white.  Strong fragrance.  Average diameter 1.5".  Small to medium, single (4-8 petals), borne mostly solitary, in small clusters bloom form.  Once-blooming spring or summer.  Rounded buds.  
Armed with thorns / prickles, bushy, upright.  Large, matte, blue-green foliage.  3 to 9 leaflets.  

Height: 35" to 6'7" (90 to 200cm).  
USDA zone 2a and warmer.  Vigorous.  produces decorative hips.  shade tolerant.  
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
If you know the parentage of this rose, or other details, please contact us.
Named for Joseph Woods, 1776-1864, an English student of roses.
R. woodsii Lindley subspecies woodsii (1820). Native to the prairies and high plains of the western half of the USA and Canada, south from the Yukon and Northwest Territories into the passes of the Rocky Mountains. Other subspecies of Rosa woodsii are: R. woodsii subsp. arizonica, R. woodsii subsp. manca, R. woodsii subsp. gratissima, R. woodsii subsp. glabrata and R. woodsii subsp. ultramontana. See References for a 2007 article by Walter Lewis.

Modern Roses 10 says R. macounii is one of the parents of Mary L. Evans

Not to be confused with R. macounii Rydberg, which is a separate taxon.
Sheila Holmes says R. woodsii is an Alberta (Canada) wild rose which blooms later than R. acicularis

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