'Scarlet Grevillei' rose Reviews & Comments
The 1913 Biltmore Rose Catalog says, "Russell's Cottage Rose is loaded once a year with very double and full flowers, decidedly fragrant. The plant is of good growth and spreads rapidly and gracefully, and is hardy under even the severest conditions--extreme temperatures having no serious permanent effects. After the second year the blossoms come with greater profusion than at first. The texture of the blossoms is firm and the color rich,, velvety crimson, a color that does not fade as the flowers age."
This rose is usually very healthy in my garden, however this year one of the bushes that wasn't pruned at all last year had blackspot extremely badly which seems unusual as this year is hot and dry and almost blackspot free. I "pruned" it back and gave it a good watering and a good scat of fish blood and bone, it will recover surprisingly quickly.
The other bush I pruned normally. All two year old shoots were cut back to a healthy new shoot. The shoots that grew last year and flowered this were dead headed back to the first pair of leaves and of course any new shoots this year were all tied in and the plant given a good scat of fish blood and bone. There is almost no wood now older than 2017. And of course I wear no gloves.
#1 of 1 posted
5 JUL 18 by
No need to wear gloves, for it isn't winter!
Oregon, zone 6a, rainy winters and dry summers with some humidity. I bought two russelliannas about 8 years ago and they've proven to be big favorites of mine. The roses did most of their growing the first five years. The bigger bush at 7'h x 8'w gets only 4 hrs. of sun and the smaller 4'h x 6'w gets 3 hrs., maybe less. The shade has been the same all these years, and though I suppose it's kept them small, they're healthy, very leafy bushes that are covered with of old fashioned roses every late spring. The roses are about 2" to 2 1/2" wide and have to my nose a moderate old rose scent. They bloom for about 5 weeks and their lovely bright color fades only some in the shade. The bushes are supported by wire fencing which the long canes fountain over. Their yearly maintenance is about two deep waterings during the dry months; one fertilizing of fish emulsion; and a grass clipping and/or pine needles compost. One pruning a year keeps them bushy looking. They're own root roses, but haven't suckered. The Artic freeze this winter, which brought temperatures down to a few degrees below zero (they had some wind shelter) didn't touch them or faze their healthy vigor.
To me, their biggest fault is not dropping the old rose petals. I take a cheap long-handled broom and brush off most of them - which takes a lot less time than deadheading.
Fantastic review. Thank you.
Is this plant very disease resistance or not?
#1 of 1 posted
28 APR 17 by
When You look at the member ratings for this rose, two members consider this rose excellent, as for disease resistance. I grow Himmelsauge (in commerce as) and people say it IS Russelliana and that rose is very healthy too. See "Reviews and Comments" at: http://www.helpmefind.com/gardening/l.php?l=2.27983&tab=1