'A pétales frangées' rose Description
Photo courtesy of Margaret Furness
Found Rose, China / Bengale, Hybrid China.
Crimson, deep pink center, ages to darker . Fringed petals. Mild fragrance. Average diameter 3.5". Medium, semi-double to double, borne mostly solitary, in small clusters bloom form. Occasional repeat later in the season.
Few or no prickles/thorns, upright. Dark green foliage. 3 to 5 leaflets.
Height: 2' to 4' (60 to 120cm). Width: 2' to 4' (60 to 120cm).
USDA zone 6b through 10b.
Patent status unknown (to HelpMeFind).
'Oeillet de St Arquey' is a found rose which is probably identical to 'Fimbriata' (' à pétales frangés) by Jacques (1827), and not to Prevost's Rosa serratipetala (1818) (see). Recent genetic analysis has shown that "Serratipetala" in commerce is a sport of 'Cramoisi Superieur'. - see References. According to Jacques, however, it is a seedling of Hume's Blush. Compare also with 'Bella di Monza'.
Ida Sharp of Rose Hill Garden says this rose was found in France in 1912. It is a unique specimen plant bearing tiny red flowers edged in pink. The blooms are serrated on the edges... Walter Branchi says Serratipetala has brilliant dark red flowers with a pink center... synonyms for this rose are "Fimbriata à Pétales Frangés", "Rose Oeillet de Saint-Arquey", "Oeillet de Saint-Arquey"...