'Helen de Waal' rose References
Website/Catalog (3 Jun 2016) Registered Name: 'Korpesh' Synonyms: ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Shreveport™ Gr, ob, 1981, Kordes, R.; bud ovoid, pointed; flowers orange, 3½-4½ in., 50 petals, globular to cupped, borne 1-3 per cluster, slight, tea fragrance; recurrent; foliage large; prickles small, hooked downward; stems medium, strong; tall, upright, vigorous growth; hips short, ovoid, smooth, yellow-green; PP5157 [Zorina × Uwe Seeler] Roses in Review: Garden Rating: 7.1 Exhibition Rating: Introductions: Armstrong Nursery. Awards: AARS, 1982
Website/Catalog (3 Jun 2016) Name: 'Helen de Waal' Synonyms: 'Korpesch' ARS Approved Exhibition Name: Helen de Waal Photo: Ludwig Taschner F, op, Kordes; flowers salmon-orange with yellow at the petal base, medium, dbl., high-centered, no fragrance; recurrent ; foliage glossy green, healthy; growth bushy, upright, tall Introductions: Ludwig's Roses, 1999
Newsletter (Jun 2016) Page(s) 13. Vol 25, No. 6. Steve Jones. A Rose by Any Other Name. Here are some of the roses I saw (in South Africa) and what we know them by in the US: Helen de Waal Shreveport KORpesch Gr, or
Website/Catalog (2012) Website
Helen de Waal, ('Korpesch'), F, op, Kordes; flowers salmon-orange with yellow at the petal base, medium, dbl., high-centered, no fragrance; recurrent ; foliage glossy green, healthy; growth bushy, upright, tall
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 546. Shreveport (KORpesh) Large-flowered/Hybrid Tea. Kordes (Germany) 1981. Parentage: 'Zorina' x 'Uwe Seeler'. Description... blended orange and salmon-pink flowers... known as a Grandiflora in America... It was named to honor the city of Shreveport, which is home to the American Rose Society...
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 546. Includes photo(s).
Book (1997) Page(s) 61. Includes photo(s).
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 549. 'Shreveport'. Gr. ob, 1981, (KORpesh); 'Zorina' x 'Uwe Seeler',. Kordes, R.; Armstrong Nursery. Bud ovoid, pointed; flowers orange, dbl. (50 petals), high-centred blooms borne 1-3 per cluster; slight tea fragrance; foliage large; small prickles, hooked downward; tall, uppright, vigorous growth. Named in honor of the home city of ARS. AARS, 1982.
Book (1985) Page(s) 21. Roy and Heather Rumsey, NSW. New Roses for 1985. Shreveport HT. (Kordes) A difficult to describe colour, it is really a rich apricot-salmon, with quite a bit of yellow on the reverse of the petals. Very double, very free flowering and fragrant. A very healthy plant, easy to grow and very rewarding.