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'Madame A. Schwaller' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 654.  
Schwaller, Mme. A. (HT) Bernaix 1887; silky flesh-pink, edges paler, large, double, globular, fine form, upright, cluster-flowered, floriferous, repeats, reddish branches, growth 6/10, bushy.
Website/Catalog  (1909)  Page(s) 8.  
General List of Ever-Blooming Roses
Madame Schwaller
Blooms in large clusters; large globular flowers; fine salmon-rose, finely edged with violet-carmine; highly perfumed; a strong, healthy grower; a grand variety of that type which are all too few.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 96.  
6.152. Madame A. Schwaller, Hybride de Thé Bernaix 1887 incarnat
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 169.  
Hybrid Tea. Madame Schwaller (Bernaix 1888). large, double, incarnate-pink, cup form. Floriferous.
Website/Catalog  (1889)  Page(s) 3.  
Mad. Schwaller.  A Hybrid Tea, having the fragrance of La France and the firmness of the Hybrids, with the freedom of flowering of the Tea class. Color, rosy flesh, sometimes appearing rather dull. Price, 20 cents
Magazine  (1886)  Page(s) 84.  
Rosiers Nouveaux 1886-1887. Rosiers Hybrides de Thés.
Mme A. Schwaller (A. Bernaix), rose incarnat grande, coloris très frais, très florifère .
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