'Bloomfield Giant' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 85. Bloomfield Giant (HT) Thomas 1929; M: A. Chatenay X M. Butterfly; silvery salmon-pink, large, very double, lasting, fragrance 5/10, floriferous, very long stems, growth 8/10, climbing.
Book (1929) Page(s) 18. Roses Registered Since Publication of 1929 Rose Annual Other Roses in the Process of Registration The descriptions are those supplied by the originator Bloomfield Giant (19A-26). Climbing Hybrid Tea. Mme. Abel Chatenay X Mme. Butterfly. Long bud and large, very double flowers of light silvery salmon-pink, very lasting; perfumed. Very abundant and strong grower; a prolific bloomer with an exceptionally long stem. Foliage very well held and without disease. This rose has not the exquisitely molded form of Mme. Butterfly—it is a big rose with reasonable quality, a great, strong thing with value as a decorative and merit for cutting. It does not ball, yet lasts in heat. Not tested in California, and recommended for trial in all southern climates.