'Cardinal' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 127. Cardinal (tea or china) Welter 1904; L. Messimy X Alexandra of Russia; dark lake-red, center yellow reflexes, large, 3/4-full, fragrance 5710, thick branches, growth 7/10, dense.
Magazine (20 May 1911) Page(s) 243. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Cardinal... Ch[ina]. T[ea].*, Welter, 1904, Laurette Messimy X Empress Alexandra of Russia
Magazine (25 Aug 1906) Page(s) 356. Some Beautiful Monthly Roses. Cardinal and Alice Hamilton are two good newish sorts, of beautiful colour, the one a cardinal red and the other a velvety crimson, quite worth growing.
Website/Catalog (1906) Page(s) 10. Novelties in Roses For 1905. Cardinal (Tea-China). A seedling from Laurette Messimy and Empress Alexandra of Russia; deep lake red, centre tinted with yellow; large and moderately full, long buds; a true monthly rose, with tea scent
Magazine (Nov 1903) Page(s) 71. Neuste Rosen für 1904. (Die Beschreibungen sind die der Züchter.) Züchter: Nicola Welter. Cardinal, Bengal-Tee (Laurette Messimy x Empress Alexandra of Russia). Blume gross, mittelmässig gefüllt. Farbe dunkellackrot, Zentrum mit gelbem Auflage. Die Knospe ist sehr lang, spitz und eine der längsten unserer Monatsrosen, hat Teerosenduft. Strauch dickästig, gedrungen, stark wachsend. Als Gruppen-, Topf- und Schnittrose ausgezeichnet.