'HADangel' rose References
Magazine (2000) Page(s) 22. Vol 94, part 1. Brendan Paul of Paul's Rose Company, asks Who Needs Thorns? Harvey [Davidson] has introduced the following varieties into the UK: 'Smooth Angel' ('Smooth Sailing' x ('Polly' x 'Royal Flush') a cream/apricot HT, very vigorous with the best perfume of all the varieties.
Website/Catalog (Nov 1997) Page(s) 9. Smooth Angel Hybrid Tea. Davidson 1986... rich, ivory petals with glowing apricot yellow centre... disease resistant; shortest of the "Smooth" varieties
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 556. Smooth Angel Hybrid Tea, apricot blending to cream at edges, 1986, (HADangel); 'Smooth Sailing' x 'Royal Flush'; Davidson, Harvey. Description.