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'Snowfire' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 146-567
most recent 14 JUL 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 14 JUL 23 by mlaiuppa
Can anyone provide cuttings? After inept gardeners whacked mine down twice with a weedeater it came back both times but the second time was extremely unhappy and eventually died. I love this rose and I really want to replace it. Yes, I know, lethal thorns, but you can't beat the blooms. Have been unable to locate a replacement anywhere so in desperation am going to try propagating from cuttings if I can get any. Anyone? Bueller?
Discussion id : 113-078
most recent 18 OCT 21 SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 SEP 18 by drossb1986
I'm going to be honest: I found this at Home Depot was a body bag rose and couldn't resist. Everyone talked about it being so bad, so I had to see for myself. Frankly, I like this rose. Sure, it doesn't bloom a ton, but it's a stunner when it does. The color is much better than the comparable Love. It's not super vigorous, but it's no dud either. Call me crazy too, but it's so thorny, and they're so big, they're part of the charm. It's a bit enchanting for this monster-thorned rose to spit out a giant, gorgeous bloom. It will never be an all-star and never for someone wanting a giant bush throwing out bouquets at a time, but it's...special.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 18 OCT 21 by GardenGlimpses
I bought a nice plant of it for $8 at the Certified Roses Trailer Sale in Tyler last year. I enjoy this rose as well. It’s not a variety to be relied on for lots of garden color, but those blooms it puts are are quite impressive. The blooms are heavy , petals thick and velvety, royal red with a white reverse really stands out. It’s stayed healthy with spray. Thorns are wicked!
Discussion id : 71-855
most recent 15 JUN 14 SHOW ALL
Initial post 23 MAY 13 by MysteryRosesPA
Does anyone know if this rose is fertile? I want to breed this rose to try and create roses with a special touch.
Reply #1 of 6 posted 24 MAY 13 by Kim Rupert
If you click on the "lineage" tab on the rose page, it shows whether there are seedlings or sports from it. A premium membership permits you to trace the lineage all over! Per that section of its rose page, there are two roses which have been introduced using Snowfire pollen and one using it as seed parent. That doesn't tell you HOW fertile it is, but at least it has resulted in some seedlings, both as male and female. Good luck!
Reply #2 of 6 posted 24 MAY 13 by MysteryRosesPA
Thanks! I plan on putting it , because it has the best color with my most fragrant rose. I tried to access it and it would not let me use it at all.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 24 MAY 13 by Kim Rupert
You're welcome! You can buy a Premium Membership here on HMF for only $24 a YEAR! The lineage information is a benefit of Premium Membership. Imagine being able to access everything in the database about what made Snowfire and what it has made. You can see any seedlings for which there are photos uploaded by those who grow them. You can research what has made all the roses you are considering using to create your own, any time you desire and as often as you desire. All for only $2 a month. There is no book which can provide you that benefit, particularly in living color and constantly dynamic and updated with information as it is created or discovered. You really should purchase the Premium Membership. The benefits make the cost a non issue!
Reply #4 of 6 posted 25 MAY 13 by MysteryRosesPA
I do want to be a premium member, unfortunately I do not have the means to pay online.
Reply #5 of 6 posted 25 MAY 13 by HMF Admin
We very much welcome your support: HMF is a community supported website and does not accept advertising. You are welcome to send a check you you please. You will find our mailing address on the "Contact Us" page.
Reply #6 of 6 posted 15 JUN 14 by goncmg
Hey Mystery Rose! Did you end up hybridizing with Snowfire last year? Would love to know what the results were! Although Snowfire isn't the parent of many, Osiria is somewhat notable and it does appear that the red/white bicolor carries through.
Discussion id : 65-622
most recent 8 JUL 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 8 JUL 12 by goncmg
The red/white combo is always amazing to me and this one really was notable: the red was super deep and rich and true, not like Love per se, or Mexicana or Razzle Dazzle...........and the interesting thing is that the white walked right to the edge of the red so the edge of every petal appeared to be lined/edged in white...................but yes, the plant is/was extremely thorny (Kordes!) and erratic.............nothing you could count 6a, above the pack one year over the winter, below the next and sometimes the blooms were almost semi-double, sometimes too full with vegative centers..........but one I just remembered and one I would like to find again...........another one with a distinct personality through the pros and the cons.........
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