Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 158. Includes photo(s). Edelweiss Cluster-flowered. Description... this attractive rose is one for cool climates... a pleasant musky scent... raised in 1970 by Niels Poulsen and introduced by Sam McGredy. Parentage undisclosed.
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 559. Snowline® Floribunda, white, 1970, ('Edelweiss'); Poulsen, N. Description.
Article (magazine) (1988) Page(s) 23-24. [Colour description according to the CIELAB colour space (petal inside): L* = Lightness, a* = red-green axis, b* = yellow-blue axis] 'Edelweiss' (Poulsen, 69; cream-white), L* 90-92, a* -4 to -1, b* 7-15
...the cream tinge of 'Edelweiss' is easily recognized by the higher Yellow component.
Book (1974) Page(s) 66. Dr. A. S. Thomas Roses Overseas 1973. There are quite a few of these low compact cultivars being bred. They could be compared with the older 'Borderer', 'Pinkie', 'China Doll' and so on and they include 'Topsi', 'Marlena', 'Yesterday', 'Tip Top', 'Evergold', 'Madame Bollinger', 'Frenzy', 'Happy Wanderer' and 'Snowline'.
Book (1971) Page(s) 19. E. F. Allen. Awards To New Rose Seedlings In Great Britain In 1970. Snowline (Parentage not revealed). A Floribunda, by Poulsen, with white scented flowers which made a good show. It may need protection against mildew. Trial Ground Certificate.
Magazine (Dec 1970) Page(s) 4. trimester, p. 45. Variétés nouvelles de roses éditées et enregistrées par le Syndicat National des Producteurs de Nouveautés du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 1969 .... POUma 0 661 F DK, 1970, Edelweiss, lieu et no d'enregistrement en France En Instance, no d'enregistrement international - , Poulsen, Vilmorin
Website/Catalog (1970) Page(s) 10. Includes photo(s). EDELWEISS (Nouveauté 70-71) (Poulsen 1970) M.D. Var. POUma 0661 F.D.K. - Un tapis blanc dans votre jardin. Cette variété à port trapu (hauteur 50 cm) et à grandes fleurs vous permettra de le réaliser de la meilleure façon.