'Red Decumba' rose Reviews & Comments
Listed here as a floribunda, which it is not. It is a rambler and referenced in the Australian PBR document as a groundcover, however, it will reach very large proportions making it suitable for a pillar or an arch. Listed here as spreading to 80cm, however; I have had it spread to 4m here.
According to the Australian PBR application, detailed information document (http://pericles.ipaustralia.gov.au/pbr_db/docs/1996086.doc), the parentage of 'Summer Evening' is as follows:
"Origin Controlled pollination: (‘The Fairy’ x seedling of R. wichuriana) by ‘Interrob’ syn Robin Redbreast. "
I take this to mean ('The Fairy' x wich seedling) x 'Robin Redbreast'.
Advertised here in Australia as being capable of covering 6m x 6m... not 80cm. Very vigorous ground cover, suitable for training as a climber/pillar/arch/etc. Very quick repeat here for me. Very clean once put in the ground. Hated being in a pot and objected by getting a dose of spot and defoliating. Not a trace now it's in the ground. Produces little pollen. Almost dense enough to suppress all weeds.
EDIT 1st Sept., 2010: OP seeds germinate easily. Might be ok as a seed parent.
EDIT 12th May, 2011: Seedlings nicely disease resistant. Worthwhile seed parent. Some seedlings suffered a bit from mildew. 'Summer Evening' resists black spot and powdery mildew well here and shows ok resistance to downy mildew. Needs to be kept up off the ground if you are to stand any chance of weeding under it. It is very thorny and doesn't like to let go. Do yourself a favour and grow it up a pillar or an arch!