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'Belle Augustine Lelieur' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 77-992
most recent 3 MAY 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 MAY 14 by CybeRose
The rose amateur's guide - Page 119 (1840)
Thomas Rivers
Augustine Lelieur is a charming rose, a true Bourbon, so vivid and so beautiful that it cannot be too much recommended: its flowers are very erect, and bell-shaped, and as fine in October as in June. Centifolia is a rose equally fine, but quite different in colour, which is delicately pale, something like the old Celestial Rose: its flowers are more double than those of Augustine Lelieur, and quite pendulous from their weight; also a true Bourbon.

The Floricultural Cabinet and Florists' Magazine - Page 66 (1845)
Augustine Lelieur, beautiful bright fulgent rose.

The Floriculture Magazine, and Miscellany of Gardening p. 166 (1841)
Augustine Lelieur— Deep pink.

The Floricultural Cabinet, and Florists Magazine - Volume 4 - Page 244 (1836)
Augustine Lelieur cupped, large and double.

The Rose Manual, Page 138 (1844)
Robert Buist
Augustine Lelieur, possesses considerable fragrance, is of a rosy-purple colour, full, round, well formed, and is a strong grower, but does not open well in the early part of the season.

Manual of Roses, p. 126 (1846)
William Robert Prince
Augustine Lelieur is a well formed rosy crimson flower; the plant vigorous, but it has been superseded by finer varieties.

The American Flower Garden Directory, p. 71 (1841)
Robert Buist
Augustine Lelieur, bright rose, beautifully globular, and perfectly double.

Contributions to Horticultural Literature, p. 14 (1892)
William Paul
Rose Catalogues (From “The Gardeners’ Chronicle,” Oct. 19th, 1844, p. 701)
I have just gathered a flower of Bourbon Augustine Lelieur, which measures fully four inches across; but the colour is so different that, had I not gathered it myself, I should have had some difficulty in naming it. Without multiplying solitary instances, if we view the whole body of Roses that bloom twice in the year, and compare the colours noted down in the Summer with their real appearance at this season, we shall find a difference.

The Gardeners' Chronicle - Volume 2 - Page 313 (May 14, 1842)
Messrs. Paul and Son list.
Augustine Lelieur, vivid even rose.

Catalogue de plantes cultivées par J. Sisley-Vandael, horticulteur, p 5 (1834)
Belle Augustine Lelieur – rose vif.
Discussion id : 77-987
most recent 3 MAY 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 3 MAY 14 by CybeRose
Gardeners' Chronicle; May 27, 1843. The Rose Garden by Z.

"The remaining group of Bourbon Roses comprise some fine varieties, remarkable for their dwarf and rigid habits. Of these, Augustine Lelieur is one of the oldest, and in its way, perhaps one of the most beautiful; its flowers are only semidouble, but they are so erect and so brilliant in colour, more particularly in autumn, that it always attracts notice. Latifolia is so much like it, as scarcely to be distinguished except by its petals being a little crimpled
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