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'Oscar Leclerc' rose References
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 407.  
Leclerc, Oscar (bourbon) V. Verdier 1846; glossy crimson, shaded dark violet, large, double, growth 8/10.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 138.  
Oscar Leclerc, Bourbon, V. Verdier, 1846, cramoisi nuancé
Book  (1880)  Page(s) Annex, p. 102.  
Bourbon. Oscar Leclerc (Verdier, 1846), brilliant crimson, shaded dark violet, large, full, flat cup form, vigorous.
Book  (1858)  Page(s) 56.  
The Autumnal Roses.
The Bourbon Roses are real "perpetuals" or "remontants" rather, blooming more or less freely from frost to frost again. They are less thorny than either [the Hybrid Perpetuals or Damask Perpetuals], the thorns being strong and usually light-colored. The leaves are firm, almost leathery, smooth and glossy. The petals or flower-leaves are also unusually thick, and with a peculiar satin-like or burnished appearance that adds much to their beauty, and enables them to endure the heat of a summer's sun hot enough to cause all others to flag. The growth is hardy and luxuriant.
16. Oscar le Clerc—brilliant crimson; large and superb.
Bourbon roses require but little pruning. Towards the end of February, their shoots may be thinned, and the long ones shortened.
Book  (1854)  Page(s) 275-277.  
Perhaps one or the other lover of ever-blooming roses will thank me if I share the list of those I can recommend from personal acquaintance, regardless of age or novelty. Such are,...4) Ile Bourbon roses: ...Oscar Leclerq...
Magazine  (Dec 1849)  Page(s) 316.  
"Superb Roses".
We scarcely need remark that all the best sorts of Roses are exhibited in competition at the London Floral Shows. From them we made selections of the very best, and also in looking over the collections in the principal Rose nurseries. We can strongly recommend to our readers the kinds we enumerate...
Bourbon Roses. Oscar Leclerc, brilliant crimson, large, superb.
These roses may be trained to form pillar roses of six feet or less as desired, a strong turfy loam well enriched suits this class admirably, manure-water is beneficial. These roses bloom from June to December.
Magazine  (1848)  Page(s) 17.  
Isle De Bourbon Roses.—These are a most interesting class, generally speaking, with thick, wellshaped petals, varying in colour, from white through the various shades of pink, and light crimson, to deep purple. Amongst those which have peculiarly taken our fancy, we may mention,
...Oscar Leclerc.—Large and finely formed; the colour is a most brilliant crimson scarlet; new and first-rate.
Magazine  (1848)  Page(s) 171.  
We extract from the Stray Thoughts on Roses [in the "Florist"], by Mr. Rivers, the following hints, which we are sure will prove acceptable to many, very many of our readers. It is relative to the proper grouping of the lovely family of the Bourbons. Very delicate growers and those of more vigorous habit, if planted on the same bed, as a matter of course, do not assimilate, and have a bad effect. In order to obviate this, the following roses are recommended for their similarity of habit, "grouping well:"....
As magnificent crimson roses for a large bed, Mr. R. recommends the following:— Comte de Rambuteau, Dumont de Courset, Gloire de Paris, Oscar Le Clerc, and Souchet.
Magazine  (18 Dec 1847)  Page(s) 404.  
Exhibition of Plants in the Orangerie of the Luxemburg Gardens on September 16-19: ...Bourbon...Oscar Leclerc
Website/Catalog  (1847)  Page(s) 73.  
Rosiers Nouveaux qui seront mis au commerce en Novembre 1846.
Rosiers de nos cultures.
Ile Bourbon Oscar Leclerc. Comme coloris, ce Rosier se rapproche du Bon Gloire de Paris, mais un peu plus vif; la fleur est mieux faite, et ses rameaux plus vigoureux...5 fr.
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