'Pourpre charmant strié de blanc' rose References
Book (2012) Page(s) 51. Rosiers de Provins... R. Pourpre charmant strié, Dupont.
Book (Jul 1998) Page(s) 105. Pourpre Charmant Before 1811..... We do not give a description of this variety as it is uncertain whether it is still in culture. It is not present in the collections of L'Haÿ or Sangerhausen. At L'Haÿ it is more purple-pink than "velvety dark purple" and therefore seems doubtful. At Sangerhausen it is very dark purple, but clearly striped, a characteristic which is not mentioned in any source of the era. Perhaps it is ...'Pourpre charmant strié' which Desportes lists in his "Rosetum gallicum" (1828,, no. 1459) and which he attributes to Hardy, chief gardener of Luxembourg.
Book (1837) Page(s) 92. Rosiers de Provins... R. Pourpre charmant strié, Dupont.
Book (1828) Page(s) 63. R. de Provins... 1459 pourpre charmant strié. (Lux. Hardy). Fl. pourpre, striée de blanc.
Book (1827) Page(s) 273. Provins...Les pourpres...le pourpre charmant, strié de blanc...
Book (1826) Page(s) 508. Provins. Pourpre charmant strié. Fleurs pourpres, striées de blanc.
Translation: Provins. Pourpre charmant strié. Purple flowers, striped with white.
Book (1824) Page(s) 165. Rosa gallica. Pourpre charmant, strié de blanc. Dl. du Luxembourg, Variété de semis.