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'Noisette blanche petite' rose References
Book  (2012)  Page(s) 66.  
Rosiers Noisette...
N. Blanche petite, Lux.
Book  (2007)  
'Pumila Alba' N, w, 1847, Hardy. Includes description.
Book  (2001)  Page(s) 78. Noisette, "Pumila alba," mis sur le marché par Margottin, qui avait travaillé avec Hardy, au Luxembourg, en 1839-1840. [Trans.: The Noisette, Pumila alba, put on the market by Margottin, who had worked with Hardy in Luxembourg in 1839-1840.
Book  (1976)  Page(s) 207.  
In the division discussing Noisettes:
Pumila alba, white.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 588.  
Pumila alba (Noisette) ? ? ; pure white, very small, double, flat, floriferous, short habit, 15 cm.
Book  (1906)  Page(s) 142.  
9.203. Pumila alba, Noisette, blanc
Book  (1902)  Page(s) 98.  
Section III - Hybrides de Bengale:
No. 2857 Pumila alba ...........blanc.
Book  (1899)  Page(s) 151.  
No. 8.655 Pumila alba N. Blanc.
Book  (1895)  Page(s) 725.  
Monthly or China Roses.-Monthly or China Roses have bright and varied colours, free growth, hardy constitution, and are most constant bloomers....They are perpetual and perennial in the fullest sense....There are many varieties, all more or less distinct in color or habit, from the lovely pumila alba, with its shell-like flowers, and the other pompon varieties which are suitable for the smallest beds or edgings to small beds, up to the vigorous Crimson Queen or Cramoisie Grimpante, which will climb to the top of a two-storied house...
Book  (1892)  Page(s) 45.  
Among the true Noisettes, Aimée Vibert (Scandens) is decidely the most valuable...Others belonging to this division are Admiral Rigney or Eugene Pirolle, Beauty of Greenmount, Caroline Marniesse, Fellenberg, Ophirie, Pumila, Washington, Woodland Marguerite. None of these will have interest for small cultivators, excepting perhaps Pumila, and this is somewhat more tender than the rest.
p. 296
Pumila, free. N.[Noisette] Origin and raiser unknown. Salmon-rose, seeming to have Safrano blood, very free.
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