'White New Dawn' rose Reviews & Comments
This cultivar is listed as triploid in the paper 'Pollen diameter and guard cell length as predictors of ploidy in diverse rose cultivars, species, and breeding lines'
A climbing rose that I kept at 4 foot tall and 8 foot wide. It produces magnificent numerous blooms of powerfully scented flowers.
It gets blackspot and will defoliate without spraying.
Fertile as both a seed and pollen parent.
I had a White Dawn for awhile against old, dark brick, with Single Gaiety pinks and sweet william around its feet. After a year or two to establish itself, it bloomed lavishly, looked fabulous and, at its peak, quite literally stopped traffic. I want another one to put in my community garden.
I don't think you can say New Dawn gives more bang for the buck than White Dawn in this climate (on the zones 5/6 line). I do think White Dawn may be one of those older roses with which one needs to avoid chemical fertilizers and use good ol' composted black cowpoop. That's what their breeders used, after all, and this trick has worked for me with other older roses.
Personally, I wouldn't prune it at all except to get rid of dead, diseased, seriously wimpy or badly damaged canes; it blooms on both old and new wood, but especially on old, which is why it takes a year or two to hit its stride.
Would any of you who have it be willing to part with cuttings? I could trade Cl. America, Kordes Perfecta and/or The Fairy, or would pay a reasonable amount, plus postage. (Guess I also need to check the cuttings exchange, huh?)
I just bought a new plant of this White Dawn climbing rose variety. (my middle name happens to be Dawn) . I live in OHIO. This is my first rose ever to plant. Any tips? how & what should I do with it? does it need fertilizer? should I plant it now? so many questions ----so any & all advice would be greatly appriciated! thanks!
#1 of 3 posted
26 APR 07 by
Unregistered Guest
If it is a dormant bareroot rose, dig a large hole, back fill a bit with compost and a bit of bonemeal, water hole, cover rose to approximately 2 inches above the root ball. Tap down soil as to make sure there is no air around root. Water well. Mound the soil right up over the tips of the canes and once the buds begain to break, remove the soil. Do not fertilize for two months after as it could burn the new roots. Fertilize once a month but last fertilizer should be a month before the first frost so canes have time to harden off before winter. Don't forget to deadhead the spent blooms to get new blooms. If you need help with deadheading and pruning, let me know.
If it is a potted rose, dig a hole larger than the pot the rose is in. Again back fill with a bit of compost and bonemeal, water and plant rose to the same depth as in the pot. Again the root ball should be under the soil. Water well and enjoy. Again wait to fertilize. You may notice the pot already has fertilizer in it and you don't want to overdue it and burn the roots.
We have a great article in our Ezine archives written by Wendy Christie about the basics of rose gardening called A Rose Garden for Everyone / Roses 101 (Dec 2005) and another by Kim Rupert The Lazy Person's Rose Culture (May 2005) that can answer many of your questions.
Just click on Ezine on the navigation bar to the left and click on the article's title. You'll find some good reading that can guide you on your new hobby.
Smiles, Lyn
#3 of 3 posted
29 APR 07 by
I have grown Climbing White Dawn for several years. It is pretty and has gardenia like flowers, but from what I have read, New Dawn is the orginal,hardy, bang for your buck rose. White Dawn has nice glossy foliage and a neat growing habit. I live in No. California and it doesn't seem to bloom alot for me. After growing roses for over ten years, I just found out you should NOT fertilize new roses until after they have had their first bloom cycle. At that time they should recieve a water soluble fertilizer. From my experience, do not prune a new climber for the first few years. Everyone should have their namesake rose. Good Luck!