'Truby King' rose References
Newsletter (1996) Page(s) 18. Vol 5, No. 1. Truby King. Flor. 1964. Mrs. L. M. Harris
Book (1971) Page(s) 62. The Final Analysis. 1971-72 Season.' Truby King' 7.1. Rather tall with healthy. dark foliage, this floribunda does not have much form but makes a bright show in the garden and repeats well.
Book (1966) Page(s) 158. H. J. Cutler & Son, advertisement. The New Plunket Society Rose. Floribunda. ‘Truby King’. Raised by Mrs. Lois M. Harris, Keri Keri, Bay of Islands. Introduced by Noel Cutler, New Lynn, Auckland in 1965. Each plant sale will provide 4/6 for the Plunket Society.
Book (1965) Page(s) 190. New Roses of the World. Truby King. F. (Mrs. Lois Harris ’57). ‘Border Queen’ x ‘Helen Traubel’. Medium, ovoid, orange-red bud. Salmon to orange-red, slightly waved at edges, large, open, semi-double blooms borne several together on strong stems. Good lasting quality; petals drop off cleanly. Leathery, glossy, bronzy foliage. Reddish brown twigs. Disease resistant. Very vigorous, upright growth. Abundant intermittent blooming. Good for massing and for hedges.
Book (1965) Page(s) 50. Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Rose Registrations. Truby King. Fl. Mrs. L. M. Harris. Date of Registration: March 19, 1964.