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'Guy-Guy' rose References
Book  (1999)  Page(s) 24.  
‘Guy-Guy’. Des Fankhauser – 1966. Cluster Flowered Bush rose, small, double, apricot and pink flowers edged crimson. No longer available.
Website/Catalog  (1997)  Page(s) 18.  
Des Fankhauser of Hopetoun and Rosebud, Victoria, bred Guy-Guy (Fl ’66 apricot with crimson).
Newsletter  (1996)  Page(s) 18. Vol 5, No. 1.  
Guy-Guy. Flor. 1966. D. A. Fankhauser.
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 182.  
New Roses of the World. Guy-Guy. F. (D. A. Fankhauser ’66). (’Circus’ x ‘Circus’) x (Circus’ x ‘Circus’) . Apricot and pink blends edged crimson, small, full double blooms, borne singly and several together on short stems. Very good lasting quality; petals hang on. Moderate fragrance. Abundant, leathery, glossy, dark green, small foliage. Reddish brown, vigorous, disease-resistant bark and twigs with few thorns. Low, neat, compact habit. Free, continuous blooming.
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 76.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas. New Rose Registrations. Guy-Guy. Fl. D. A. Fankhauser, 1966
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