'City of Wangaratta' rose References
Book (2009) ‘City of Wangaratta’. HT mr. Dawson. Introductions: 1985
Article (misc) (2008) Page(s) Unpublished. City of Wangaratta HT mr 1985 Parentage unknown Dawson G.
Website/Catalog (2000) Page(s) 3. Includes photo(s). ‘City of Wangaratta’ Hybrid Tea. 1985. Australia. Double, fragrant, large flowers, cut flowers, recurrent. 1.4m x 1.2m. Medium red.
Book (2000) Page(s) 166. Includes photo(s). ‘City of Wangaratta = see reference Botanica's Roses.
Book (1999) Page(s) 21. Includes photo(s). 'City of Wangaratta' - 1985 Unknown breeding. Large Flowered Bush rose. Fully double, fragrant, light red flowers, fully recurrent. Dark green, leathery foliage. Moderately thorny. Flower: 55 petals, 110 mm, Singly. Bush: 1 m x 0.8
Book (Dec 1998) Page(s) 166. Includes photo(s). Modern, large-flowered/hyrbid tea. Medium red, repeat-flowering. This variety was named for a rural city in Victoria, Australia, and is only available in that country. The blooms have 45 petals and open flat from pointed buds, which are smallish and are produced both singly and in clusters. Repeat bloom is a little slow. The plant is short and stocky and moderately fragrant. The semi glossy, mid-green foliage is very healthy, as is the case with all George Dawson’s introductions. Zones 5-9. Dawson, Australia 1985. Parentage unknown.
Website/Catalog (1998) Page(s) 2. ‘City of Wangaratta’ Hybrid Tea. 1985. G. Dawson/Aust. Double, fragrant, recurrent. 1.3m x 1.0m. Medium red.
Book (1996) Page(s) 31. ‘City of Wangaratta’. Dawson. Australia, 1985. HT. Red. [available from] Golden Vale.