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'GP Brownie ®' rose References
Book  (2016)  Page(s) 35.  

John Ford, Trial Ground Review - Trial 45.
Other roses of note.  Chocolate Ripples (Simstripe). CL. Trial No. 4923. Again striped (cream to orange) and chocolate brown coloured roses don’t appeal to everyone but it is novel to see a rose like this. This small climber has bright green aging to dark green foliage was very healthy. It did not flower greatly after the first flowering but always had something.
p36.  Score 64.1.

Magazine  (2016)  Includes photo(s).
p38.  Doug Grant,  Review of Newer Roses For The 2015-2016 Season. Climbers.
Chocolate Ripples.....

p56.  Doug Grant, Final Analysis For 2015-2016.  
Chocolate Ripples Breeders Code: Simstripe. Breeder: Simpson 2011​  Type: Climber​  Plants: 22  Parentage: Dark Moments x Oranges 'n'​ Lemons. Reports: 21. Height: Medium to Tall. Garden: 7.3​  Exhibition: 6.0  Health: 7.3 (very. good)​Fragrance: 4.6 (some).   Compact habit for a climber or can be grown as a shrub. Plants can get some blackspot disease otherwise they are healthy. It has very novel striped blooms that can fade. Blooms are slow to repeat in the autumn. Plants should not be pruned hard for flower production.
Magazine  (2015)  Page(s) 35.  Includes photo(s).
Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2014-2015 Season. Climbers.
Chocolate Ripples.... 
Magazine  (2014)  Includes photo(s).
p36. Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2013-2014 Season. Climbers.
Chocolate Ripples.....

p54. Ford Roses advertisement.
Chocolate Ripples (Simstripe). Something a bit different, this climber [has] blooms of brown with cream through to pale orange stripes. Dark green foliage.
Magazine  (2013)  Includes photo(s).
p33. Doug Grant. Review of Newer Roses for the 2012-2013 Season. Climbers.
Chocolate Ripples.....

p48. Ford Roses advertisement.
Chocolate Ripples. Something a bit different, this climber blooms of brown with cream through to pale orange stripes. Dark green foliage.
Magazine  (2012)  Includes photo(s).
p26 Large Flowered Climbers. 'Chocolate Ripples' (Simstripe). Breeder: Simpson, 2011. Parentage: 'Dark Moments' x 'Oranges N Lemons'. Brown striped cream. Garden 8.0. Exhibition 6.3. Height medium. Health 8.0. Fragrance 5.8. Availability: Ford Roses. Northland: First year plant, have high hopes for this one. Manawatu: Tallish and bushy, you like it or you don't. South Canterbury: Healthy, different, love its colouring.

p39. 'Photo. Chocolate Ripples'. Something a bit different, this climber blooms of brown with cream through to pale orange stripes. Dark green foliage.
Book  (2011)  Page(s) 9.  
Obituary, Nola Mary Simpson....and the soon to be released 'Chocolate Ripples'.
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