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'Sweet Success' rose Description
'Sweet Success' rose photo
Photo courtesy of Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
HMF Ratings:
6 favorite votes.  
Light pink Hybrid Tea.
Exhibition name: Sweet Success
Bred by John David Pottschmidt (United States, 1995).
Grandiflora, Hybrid Tea.  
Light pink.  Tea fragrance.  64 petals.  Average diameter 5".  Double (17-25 petals) bloom form.  Blooms in flushes throughout the season.  

Height: 6' (185cm).  
USDA zone 6b through 9b (default).  Disease susceptibility: susceptible to blackspot .  
United States - Patent No: PP 7,688  on  29 Oct 1991   VIEW USPTO PATENT
Application  on  22 Feb 1990
Patented as a Hybrid Tea.
The US Patent for this rose says Sweet Success is the result of a cross of 'Chablis' and 'Pristine' in 1985. The color is light pink, yellow at the base, changing to coral and light pink. In cooler weather, with nights less than 45 degrees F, the petals are almost completely white and retain only a hint of pink. The blooms last 5 to 7 days on the bush and 3 days when cut and put in a vase...