'Amanogawa' rose References
Magazine (Jan 2022) Page(s) 14. Includes photo(s). [From "Rozentuin Coloma" by Kitty Karis] Translation: The Rosa 'Ama-no-Gawa'...bred 1956 by Kawai. It is not a climber, but a floribunda, it grows to one meter twenty tall. The blooms begin yellow, but fade quickly to white, it is a sloppy grower but makes alot of it good with its countless blooms.
Article (website) (2005) In 1956, Amanogawa (the Milky Way) was awarded a bronze medal at the International Gardening Association Contest in Hamburg. This rose, a single yellow floribunda with an obvious Japanese touch, was his starting point as a rose breeder with a worldwide reputation.