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'The Bride' rose References
Article (newsletter)  (Aug 2013)  Page(s) 4.  Includes photo(s).
 ‘The Bride’, of 1885, virtually his first rose. It is a white tea, sometimes flushed with the palest pink at the edges—like a blushing bride
Magazine  (Sep 2008)  Page(s) 65.  Includes photo(s).
The Bride
Book  (Dec 1998)  Page(s) 589.  Includes photo(s).
The Bride Tea... a hint of pale lilac-pink in it, particularly on the petal edges...
Book  (1997)  Page(s) 389-390.  Includes photo(s).
The Bride Tea. May (USA) 1885... Pure white with a mere hint of pink on each petal edge...
Book  (Dec 1993)  Page(s) 111.  
The Bride... Only for the greenhouse. Discovered by May (U.S.A.), 1885.
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 602.  
The Bride Tea, white tinged pink, 1885, 'Catherine Mermet' sport; May.
Book  (Jun 1992)  Page(s) 58.  
The Bride Tea. May, 1885. Sport of 'Catherine Mermet'. [Author cites information from different sources.]
Website/Catalog  (1983)  Page(s) 42.  

The Bride (Tea). Shapely, white flowers with a pink tinge to the edge of the petals. An interesting old rose which William Paul described “in all respects, a first class Rose”. 1885. H. (C) 4 x 3‘.

Magazine  (1981)  Page(s) 4. Vol 3, No. 4.  
Just recently Heather [Rumsey] found a new mine for her treasures - Sangerhausen Rosarium in East Germany.  This years batch of new 'oldies' included the following Teas:  Archduc Joseph, Princesse de Sagan, Grace Darling, Catherine Mermet, Souvenir d'Therese Levet, The Bride, General Schablikine.
Book  (1958)  Page(s) 402.  
The Bride. T. (May, 1885). Catherine Mermet sport. Large, full, fragrant, white tinged pink. Vig.; free bloom.
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