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'Taffeta' rose References
Book  (1949)  Page(s) 44.  
Dr. A. S. Thomas. Let Us Take Stock - Old and New.
Taffeta  (1 plant, 1 year). Tall grower. The new wood and foliage are reddish. Free flowering. Yellow on the reverse of each petal, bright pink on the inside. Many blooms have faded so much that they are simply a dirty white. If it overcomes this with age, Taffeta may become a favourite especially for floral art work. Otherwise it will soon be forgotten.
Website/Catalog  (1949)  Page(s) 10.  
Novelty Roses 1949. Taffeta (HT. Lammerts 1947) Long slender buds of rich carmine rose opening to variable rose pink, salmon or apricot shades, with a yellowish outside of petals. Richly fragrant. A.A.R.S. 1948. ('Mrs. S. McGredy' x 'President H. Hoover'.) A very fine sort. 10/6 each. 
Book  (1948)  Page(s) 87.  
Herbert C. Swim. Newer Roses Offered in the United States for 1947-48
Although not as vigorous a grower as Diamond Jubilee, Taffeta is more of a novelty. Another one of Dr. Lammerts' achievements, Taffeta has two outstandingly novel points. One of these is the arrangement and brilliance of the many colours in the multi-coloured flower. The other unusual feature is the reddish-mahogany colour of the new growth. In this respect it resembles Mrs. Sam McGredy, its seed parent, but since the plant is more compact and vigorous in habit than this latter variety, it is more spectacular when it is in a cycle of new growth. Taffeta is particularly well suited to cool, coastal conditions where the full brilliance of the colour in the flower is obtained. In cool weather it has excellent form in both bud and full flower. In the heat it is slightly lacking in petalage and lacking distinction in flower colour. Its only other faults are its slight tendency to mildew at times, an excess of large thorns, and a slight lack in vigour.
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