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'Sir Tristram' rose References
Book  (2011)  Page(s) 74.  
2010 New Zealand rose of the Year 'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright). Attfield, New Zealand.
Book  (2010)  
p36. John Paviour-Smith. Brian Attfield of Cambridge named a brilliant red floribunda for Patrick Hogan, the horse breeder. Of course it is 'Sir Tristram'.

p57. Pacific Rose Bowl. Best Overall Rose. [and] 2009 Hybrid Tea Rose of the Year. 'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright). Attfield, New Zealand.

p58. Dawn Eagle. NZ Rose of the Year 2009. The Pacific Rose Bowl for the best overall rose rightly went to 'Sir Tristram', a bright red, very floriferous rose bred by NZ's own Brian Attfield.
Magazine  (2010)  Includes photo(s).
p30. Photo 'Sir Tristram'

p31. Overall New Zealand Rose of the Year and Best Hybrid Tea Rose. 'Sir Tristram' (Attbright). Bred by Brian Attfield, New Zealand.
Book  (2009)  Includes photo(s).
p6. Front cover photograph [by Dawn Eagle] 'Sir Tristram' bred by Brian Attfield, winner of best NZ bred rose at 2009 Pacific Rose Bowl Festival, Hamilton.

p93. 2008 New Zealand Rose of the year. 'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright). Attfield, New Zealand.

p94. Dawn Eagle. Hamilton Trials. At the prizegiving this year, the trophy for the winner of the NZ Raised Rose of the Year, 'Sir Tristram', was presented to Brian Attfield, the breeder. It was a very popular presentation, and Brian was given a standing ovation when he received the trophy.
Book  (2008)  
p96. Lisa Mueller. When it Comes To Showtime. 'Sir Tristram' - its deep blood red velvet petals and dark disease free foliage look amazing. This rose stands tall on a lovely long straight stem, Admired by many.

p129 Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2007-2008 Season. Floribundas.
'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: 15 Reports: 17 Plants: Garden 6.4, Exhibition 6.3: Medium height: Health 6.3: Fragrance 3.0: Red. Kaitaia: Plant thinks it is HT, good healthy vigorous grower, constantly in bloom, no problems except it smothers its neighbours. Franklin: Good strong plant, flowers brown a little with age. Waikato: Blooms last well in heat, prone to rust, good garden rose and would be ok for vase, basket work. Bay of Plenty: Nice display, well balanced bush, some rust, blooms last well on bush, very little fading. Marlborough: Growth not particularly strong, but stunning red blooms are long lasting, susceptible to rust. Canterbury: Some rust. Otago: Beautiful blooms that keep well, bothered by rust.

p135 Doug Grant. Final Analysis 2008
'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: FI. 48 Reports. 57 Plants. Garden 7.2, Exhibition 7.1. Medium height. Good health, slight fragrance. Bright red blooms. Floribunda with HT shaped flowers, blooms last when picked, prone to rust, some powdery mildew.
Book  (2007)  Page(s) 123.  
Doug Grant. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2006-2007 Season.
'Sir Tristram'. (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: 13 Reports: 17 Plants: Garden 6.9, Exhibition 6.9: Medium/Tall: Health 6.6: Fragrance 3.1: Kaitaia: strong red, rave praise by one grower, too new to really be rated here. Franklin: flowers brown in heat, prone to rust, good for stem classes. Waikato: good form, lovely blooms, good repeater, glossy foliage, some rust and mildew problems but a great red rose for decorative work, looks good in a basket or vase. Te Awamutu: blooms last for ages, but slow to re-flower. BOP: one more year for this bush, not enough flowers although very good vase life. Some downy and rust. Marlborough: very good for picking but always gets rust and slow to repeat. Otago: good vigorous growth but planted near Dublin Bay and it doesn't flatter him when fading.
Book  (2006)  Page(s) 56.  
Hayden Foulds. Rose Breeding in New Zealand.
Brian's latest release is Sir Tristram (ATTbright), named for a well-known horse-racing sire . It's a red Hybrid Tea, best described as a bush version of 'Dublin Bay' and is bred from a 'Harmonie' Seedling x 'Dublin Bay'. It won best Hybrid Tea at the 2005 New Zealand Rose of the Year in Hamilton.
Book  (2006)  Includes photo(s).
p39. Hayden Foulds. National Spring Rose Show 2005. It was also great to see Brian Attfield pick up the award for best HT with 'Sir Tristram'.

p80-81. Photo by Hayden Foulds. 'Sir Tristram'.

p90 New Zealand Rose Of The Year 2005. Best Hybrid Tea and Rose Hills Award. 'Sir Tristram', Attfield, New Zealand.

p113. Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2005-2006 Season.
'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: Garden rating 7.4, Exhibition rating 7.4: 8 bushes, 7 reports: Some health problems: Light fragrance: Tall. Bright red flowers. Mar/borough says good strong long stems to support large heads, very long life in a vase and on the bush. Loves the colour and unusual flower form, some rust. Lower Hutt - good exhibition blooms for small and large stems, non-fading deep red velvety colour. Three Waikato reporters who may be somewhat biased all like the bright red colour and strong growth. Makes a nice large stem and is a picture in the garden. One reported some downy mildew. Southland - blooms large for a floribunda, disappointed with the form of the blooms but they last an incredibly long time. B.O.P. has dark red unfading blooms that last a long time. Late summer growth can be whippy, some rust, average repeat.
Book  (2005)  Page(s) 113.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2004-2005 Season. Floribundas.
'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: Garden rating 7.6, Exhibition rating 7.3: 8 bushes, 7 reports. Some health problems: Light fragrance: Medium height: Dark red flowers. Waikato likes the colour, very promising rose. Another Waikato grower has poor growth, taking a long time to get established. Not particularly impressed. Also from Waikato - has a young bush, however has potential to produce great stems. Very strong, healthy good clean red. Paeroa - first year and so far so good. Makes lovely small and large stems. Very nice rose. Hopes to show it later.
Book  (2004)  Page(s) 114.  
Peter Bamber. Review of the Newer Roses for the 2003-2004 Season.
'Sir Tristram' (ATTbright) Attfield 2003: Garden rating 7.8, Exhibition rating 7.6: 7 bushes, 6 reports. Disease resistant: Light fragrance: Medium height: Dark red flowers. Waikato - lovely red colour; dependable performer; healthy. Also from Waikato - first year bush succumbed to blackspot. Love the dark red colour; maybe better next year. Another Waikato grower with a first year bush which is growing very well. Long stems keep a week when picked. B.O.P reports good first flush; some rust. All reports on this rose from the North Island. I have seen it in a vase at the Waikato RS show and it did look fantastic. We need it on the mainland.
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