'Elfrid ®' rose References
Magazine (Nov 2006) Page(s) 48. Registration 'Korpancom', F, mp, 2006, (Bad Birnbach™) ... description
Book (2004) Page(s) 101. Includes photo(s). Bad Birnbach® Description
Book (2000) Page(s) 631. Includes photo(s). ‘Wiltshire’/KORmuse = Arbuste – rose moyen, remontant. une partie de ses fleurs disparaît souvent sous des pousses folles, mais elles sont produites en abondance et renouvelées jusqu’aux gelées… il peut jouer les couvre-sols, tapisser l’avant d’une bordure, cascader du haut d’un muret ou encore égayer une terrasse, planté dans un grand bac dont il drapera les bords de son feuillage luisant et dru… Kordes, Allemagne 1993. ‘Partridge’ x semis. BARB Breeder’s Choice 1993 + Glasgow Certificate of Commendation 1994.
Website/Catalog (23 Oct 1998) Page(s) 6. Includes photo(s). Wiltshire (KORmuse) County Series. Double well-shaped blooms of deep rose-pink, borne in large trusses... Kordes 1993.
Book (1996) Page(s) 87. Wiltshire (KORmuse) Ground cover shrub. Description. Flowers: deep reddish pink. Parentage: 'Partridge' x Seedling. Kordes (Germany) 1993
Book (1992) Page(s) 26. Colin P Horner, Awards to Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1991. Certificates of Merit were also awarded to two Ground Cover Shrubs, Kordes KORmuse in a deep reddish pink bred from 'Korweirim' x seedling.
Book (1991) Page(s) 22. C.P. Horner, Awards to Rose Seedlings in Great Britain in 1990. Three other Trial Ground Certificates were given to second year seedlings. KORmuse from Kordes, a Ground Cover Shrub in deep pink with superb glossy healthy foliage.