'Jardin de Granville®' rose Description
Photo courtesy of jerome RATEAU
Light pink, ages to white . (Beau buisson compact portant de belles grappes de boutons rose pâle s'épanouissant en fleurs demi-doubles portant un parfum agréable.). None to mild, spice fragrance. 22 to 32 petals. Average diameter 3.5". Medium to large, very double, in small clusters bloom form. Prolific, blooms in flushes throughout the season. Pointed, ovoid buds.
Bushy, rounded. Large, glossy, dark green foliage. 3 to 7 leaflets.
Height: 31" to 40" (80 to 100cm). Width: 2' to 31" (60 to 80cm).
Disease susceptibility: disease resistant.
United States - Patent No: PP 24,658 on 22 Jul 2014 VIEW USPTO PATENTApplication No: 13/385,337 on 14 Feb 2012 Inventors: Rateau; Jerome (Pithiviers, FR)
The female parent...was the 'Auscent' variety. The male parent...was the Dorblan variety.
...The depicted plant was approximately three years of age and was being grown outdoors during June 2010 at Pithiviers (France).