'RSM ZZ' rose Reviews & Comments
Initial post
19 MAY 17 by
The color is beautiful. Photos don't capture it well. It looks like a water color painting of a rose. Very delicate.
very nice colour, warm and sunny... do the flowers have any fragrance?
'Bill Reid' does have fragrance, but it is that odd smell similar to 'Suzanne' and some other hardy roses--not the fragrance of 'Golden Celebration.' (I know everyone's nose picks up rose scents a little differently, though.) The flowers are large, a very nice unfading yellow with deeper golden edges, and repeat bloom is good. 'Bill Reid' is moderately thorny and sets hips. In my climate (Twin Cities, Minnesota zone 4) it has gotten some blackspot on the lower leaves, but did not defoliate and has kept on growing and blooming.
Initial post
28 JUN 13
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