'Totty's Red' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 709. Totty's Red (HT) Totty 1926; sport of Premier; crimson-scarlet, very large, double, fine form, lasting, fragrance 7/10, floriferous, repetas well, long pointed bud, habit like Premier. Sangerhausen
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 33. New Roses 1928. Totty’s Red (HT. C. H. Totty Co. 1927) Crimson scarlet flowers very large, full, and well formed. Sweetly scented. A free and easy grower. Like ‘Premier’ in all respects except colour.
Website/Catalog (1928) Page(s) 24. Hybrid Teas, Teas and Pernetiana. Totty's Red. Hybrid Tea. (Chas. H. Totty, 1927.) A red sport of Premier, color crimson scarlet. Retains all the good qualities of the parent.