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"Alba Incarnata - Sangerhausen-type" rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 136-306
most recent 31 JAN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JAN 23 by Rosenschule Ruf
actually we recognized that this found rose ist definitly rosa alba incarnata, so administrator please change that to a Synonym or add this information.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 29 JAN 23 by HMF Admin
'Rosa alba Incarnata' is a separate listing on HelpMeFind, we will combine the listings.
Reply #2 of 4 posted 29 JAN 23 by jedmar
Do you have "Rosa alba Stockhausen" or 'Maiden's Blush' in your nursery? They are not listed on your web shop.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 30 JAN 23 by Rosenschule Ruf
yes, our webshop shows only the actually deliverable varieties, we have from both motherplants, but young Plants to buy not before Autumn 2023. Some like the the alba incarnata syn stockhausen we bud only on demand.
one thing: we have the 'great Maidens Blush' all i saw ever labeled as 'small maidens Blush' were Duchesse de Montebello
Reply #4 of 4 posted 31 JAN 23 by jedmar
In our listings we have not separated Small and Great Maiden's Blush, because there has been to much confusion about these two roses over the past century and a half. WE have noted that SMB in commerce is often Duchesse de Montebello.
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