'Marchesii' rose Reviews & Comments
The Burdin catalogue of 1836 lists the Noisette Marchesi - certainly this variety. It also lists 'Lechiana' which you do not list. Lechi was a Brescia-based camellia breeder and one of the camellias bred (according to the International Camellia Register) by Casoretti was called 'Lechiana'. Though certainly no proof, it seems likely, then, that this rose too is a Casoretti rose.
When I posted the previous note I had no idea to whom the rose 'Millesii' listed by Hardy (as a Noisette) might be dedicated. (Like 'Marchesii' which precedes it, it is not indicated as being of Italian origin.) Probably it is another Monzese rose - probably bred by Casoretti - since Dr. Francesco Millesi, it turns out, was the Director of the Monza hospital until his death in 1834.
While he does not suggest that it is Italian, Hardy in his 1837 Luxembourg Garden inventory lists 'Marchesii' along with 'Millesii' (p 146 of original).