'DELpartricol' rose References
Website/Catalog (2018) Page(s) 46. Includes photo(s). La Parisienne DELpatricol (Plant Breeder's Rights applied for) The golden basic colour takes on a distinct orange pink on the edge of each petal. The orange pink flows downwards on the inside and outside, creating a heavily veined appearance that, gives the bloom a soft striped effect. As the odd 25 petals unfold from a tight, pointed bud they remain proudly upright. The blooms last for a long time in the sun. The bush grows neatly upright with few prickles on the main stems. The stems become slightly arching once they have reached the height of about 2 metres. With its healthy foliage and repeat flowering ability it is a most versatile rose. It might be used as a tall centre point of a rose bed or a back drop; for colour amongst moderate high evergreen shrubs; or conifers; next to pillars or as a proud avenue planted along a drive way. Hardly any tying or espaliering is required.