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"Altaville Saffron Noisette" rose References
Newsletter  (Nov 2018)  Page(s) 10-11.  Includes photo(s).
[From "The Widows Three, the Roses Twelve", by Darrell g.h. Schramm, pp. 10-14]
More popular today is the golden yellow or amber Noisette or TeaNoisette ‘William Allen Richardson’. It was named for the man born in New Orleans in 1819 who later lived and died in Louisville, Kentucky, where he and his wife Mary cultivated and propagated roses. Importing roses from the Widow Ducher, he began a correspondence with her and soon sent her a rose which she planted. When it sported in her garden, she successfully propagated it and named it after him. The rose is virtually without prickles. In hot weather, its color changes rather swiftly until it becomes a cream tone, flowering recurrently until the winter months. A vigorous plant, it grows to thirteen feet by seven but withholds fragrance.
Book  (Feb 2009)  Page(s) 69.  Includes photo(s).
‘William Allen Richardson’: jaunes et à dominante jaune – Les rosiers noisette. Parents: Mutation de ‘Rêve d’Or’. Obtenteur: Veuve Ducher, 1878. Hauteur: de 3 à 4m. C’est une variété relativement rustique qui, lorsqu’on a de la chance de la cultiver sous un climat privilégié, garde son feuillage en hiver... Sa teinte s’accorde admirablement à des murs enduits d’un torchis ocré et se révèle merveilleuse avec des fleurs bleu clair. Description et conseils.
Book  (2 Nov 2003)  Page(s) 20.  
Barbara May and Jane Zammit.  Rookwood Cemetery Roses.  
The following roses have been identified at Rookwood, primarily in the old and Heritage listed area  William Allen Richardson
Article (magazine)  (Jun 2002)  Page(s) 46.  
William Allen Richardson Noisette 1878... yellowish apricot flowers about 3 in across, with a light fragrance... The French raiser, the Widow Ducher, named this rose for 'a rich American fancier' from Kentucky who corresponded with her.
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 630.  Includes photo(s).
‘William Allen Richardson’ = Ancien – Noisette – tons jaunes, remontant. Bien remontant, ce grimpant au feuillage reste très prisé. Zones 7-9. Ducher, France, 1878. Semis de ‘Rêve d’Or’.
Book  (1996)  Page(s) 87.  
William Allen Richardson Noisette Climber... double quartered apricot yellow flowers with pale petal edges... Sport of 'Rêve d'Or'. The widow Ducher, France 1878, named this for a favoured customer, "a rich, American fancier" from Kentucky, 1819-1892.
Book  (Nov 1994)  Page(s) 162.  
William Allen Richardson Ducher (France) 1878. A sport from 'Rêve d'Or'. Description... intense orange/yolk-yellow colouring, quickly fading to near white in sunny weather...
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 640.  
William Allen Richardson Noisette, orange-yellow, usually white at edges, 1878, 'Rêve d'Or' seedling; Ducher. Description.
Book  (Feb 1993)  Page(s) 100.  Includes photo(s).
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 86.  Includes photo(s).
A Noisette. Ducher (France) 1878. A sport of 'Rêve d'Or'.
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