'William Griffith' rose References
Website/Catalog (27 Jul 2011) Rosa ‘William Griffiths’ Hybrid perpetual. ‘William Griffiths’ has pale satin-like rose-coloured flowers, large and full, expanded in form and it is a robust grower. [Paul (1863, 1888), Henry Curtis p.31 vol.2/1853, FC p.229/1857].
Horticultural & Botanical History Bred by Portemer of Gentilly in 1851. Thomas Rivers considered ‘William Griffiths’ to be the most perfectly shaped of any rose known. [Rivers (1854, 1857, 1863)]. Louis van Houtte included this rose in an Énumération des plus belles variétiés et….des autres! in the Flore des Serres. [FS pgs.91-102 vol.15/1864].
History at Camden Park Arrived from Veitch’s Nursery, Chelsea on Dec, 31st, 1859 on board the ‘Hollinside’ but dead on arrival. For more detail see Rosa ‘Ducher’.
Book (Dec 2000) Page(s) 423. William Griffith Hybrid Perpetual Portemer père 1850
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 201. William Griffith Hybrid Perpetual. Portemer, 1850. The author cites information from different sources... Glossy pink changing to light satin-rose... deep pink with frosty reflections... In 1832, [Griffiths was] an assistant surgeon in the service of the East India Company. Due to this position... W. Griffith was able to explore, as a naturalist, the most wide-ranging possessions of the Company...
Book (1936) Page(s) 318. Griffith, William (HP) Portemer 1850 or 1864; glossy pale lilac-pink, medium to large, double, centifolia-form, growth 7/10
Book (1899) Page(s) 180. William Griffith, HR, Portemer, 1864, rose satiné
Book (1885) Page(s) 36. TRIBE ROSEÆ. ROSA, Linn.; Rose. Garden Varieties— William Griffith; hybrid perpetual. Plant in Brisbane Botanic Garden.
Book (1882) Page(s) 37. William Griffith... Hybride Perpétuel. Portemer. 1864 Rose satiné. Fleur grande. Plante robuste.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 134. hybrid perpetual, William Griffith (Portemer, 1850), lilac-pink, large, double, fine form, centifolia-like.
Book (1874) Page(s) 28. William Griffeth (H. Perp.), rosy lilac, cupped and perfect form; vigorous and profuse
Website/Catalog (1866) Page(s) 23. 181. William Griffith pale glossy pink of beautiful shape.