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'Valentina' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 61-943
most recent 12 FEB 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 FEB 12 by Cà Berta
The true year of introduction is 2001, as referred by the breeder, and not 1966 (probably a mistake in the reference). Besides, one of the parent (Sole di Sanremo) was bred later (1975) than 1966.
Discussion id : 61-907
most recent 10 FEB 12 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 FEB 12 by markk
Hybrid of Mansuinianae by B. Embriaco; introduced 2001. Zorina x Sole di Sanremo; deep yellow, small-medium,very full, fragrant; suitable for cut flower. (information obtained from the breeder, B. Embriaco)
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