'Mrs. Laxton' rose References
Book (1936) Page(s) 406. Laxton, Mrs. (HP) Laxton 1875; Mme. V. Verdier X ? ; bright carmine-pink, very large, double, expanded, dense firm centre, fragrance 5/10, growth 7/10. Laxton, Mister (HP) Laxton 1878; glossy carmine-pnk, large, double, fine form, growth 8/10.
Magazine (1902) Page(s) 50. Die Hybridisation der Rosen. Preisaufgabe der National Rose Society. Von Walter Easlea.... ...von Mad. V. Verdier: Souv. de Spa, Mrs. Laxton und wahrscheinlich Ella Gordon
Translation: The hybridization of roses. National Rose Society Prize Task. By Walter Easlea.... ...by Mme V. Verdier: Souv. de Spa, Mrs. Laxton and probably Ella Gordon
Book (1899) Page(s) 130. Mistress Laxton, HR, Laxton, 1875, blanc rosé
Book (1899) Page(s) 129. Mister Laxton, HR, Laxton, 1878, carmin
Website/Catalog (1894) Page(s) 179. Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Mrs. Laxton Bright rosy crimson; large and full.
Book (1882) Page(s) 28. Mrs. Laxton... Hybride Perpétuel. Laxton. 1878 Cramoisi rosé. Fleur grande. Plante moyenne.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 96. hybrid perpetual, MISTER LAXTON (Laxton, 1878), glossy carmine-pink, large, double, fine form, prize rose of first rank.
Magazine (1880) Page(s) 324. CROSS-FERTILIZING AND RAISING ROSES FROM SEED IN ENGLAND BY T. T. LAXTON, BEDFORD, ENG. ... In 1869 I raised H.P.'s Mrs. Laxton, probably from Mme. Victor Verdier...
Magazine (4 Sep 1875) Page(s) 201. English Raised Roses. It may be worthy of remark that nearly all the English Roses, raised by Messrs. Turner, Paul, Laxton, Cranston, and a few others, have proved exceedingly good, and may be depended upon. The following English-raised Roses are said to be good; but, as I have not yet seen blooms of them, I cannot speak positively as to their merits: Mrs. Laxton (Laxton).—Said to be similar to that excellent Rose Marie Baumann.