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'The Lark Ascending' rose References
Website/Catalog  (2018)  Includes photo(s).
(AusursulaThe Lark Ascending
Graceful, medium-sized, semi-double flowers, of a pleasing apricot, are produced from the ground upwards, and are held in large heads of up to fifteen, nicely spaced blooms.  They have a beautiful open-cup shape, loosely filled with about twenty petals, arranged around a central cluster of golden stamens.  The light fragrance varies between Tea and myrrh.  It forms an extremely healthy shrub with tall, airy growth.  Named after the much-loved piece of music by Ralph Vaughan Williams.  David Austin, 2012. [...]
The name is taken from Ralph Vaughan Williams’ piece of music, which was recently voted Britain’s favourite by listeners to the BBC Radio 4 programme, Desert Island Discs.
Website/Catalog  (2012)  

The Lark Ascending, S, ab, Austin, David; flowers light apricot, medium , 20 petals, cupped, borne in large clusters, slight, tea, myrrh fragrance; recurrent; growth tall, airy
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