'AUSursula' rose Reviews & Comments
Was interested to note on blooms on our plant this year that it features sepals as per the Dog Rose - 2 plain, 2 bearded, and one with one side bearded and the other plain. Does this point to a possible R. Canina heritage? It would explain the almost briar-like shape, height and vigour of this rose.
Hi, I recently added this plant and noticed the sepals, so I was very interested to read your take on them as a potential indicator of canina ancestry. I just uploaded a pic of a hip forming on my Lark Ascending which shows the sepals following the barbed/plain/half-barbed pattern. This is an OP hip that was already on the plant when I received it, so I don't know what the pollen parent was, but if it's a self-pollination it might reveal some more clues.
Sets hips. I bought this rose at a local garden center and it was in bloom. There was a ridiculously long delay in shipping so it sat in the nursery's "holding area" for almost a month. When it finally arrived today, it was full of developing hips. Edit 15/09: harvested the hip, which contained 15 seeds (see pic).
I LOVED the blooms on this extremely vigorous (in my hot and dry zone 10 garden) rose but the thorns did me in. I grow mostly for cut flowers and the short vase life was also a consideration. Also it was so happy where it was planted that it was taking over much of the space allocated for other roses. If you have the room, don't want to cut it, and don't need to get too close it's really lovely. I gave it to a friend who was delighted.
Available from - filroses www.filroses.com
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#2 of 3 posted
22 DEC 16 by
Hi Kim, May I know where I can list the offering please?
Hi Phuong, click on the "How do I.." tab at the top right of the Help Me Find page you are on. One of the tasks it provides information concerning is how to add a new listing. What is shown when you click on the "How do I" tab is..
Look for the "Add New Listing" option on the appropriate listing tab (Nurseries, Gardens, etc.) and click the radio button next to it. You will be presented with a form to enter your listing name. You will also need to supply a guest id, password and email address. Access to your listing is controlled by your guest id and password. Your email address is needed for us to send you an email confirmation when your listing is reviewed and approved. Your email address is not shared with anyone.
The review and approval process normally takes less than 24 hours. Your email confirmation will include a link to your new listing and you can begin updating it immediately.
That's it ! Please contact us if you have any problems.
Select "Nurseries" and follow the instructions as they appear. You should be able to add your nursery to the database so you can upload your nursery offerings and alter them as your inventory changes. That way, when site users search for sources for roses they are looking for, your nursery will appear as one offering them for sale. Please consider becoming a Premium Nursery member. The Premium supporter nurseries appear first when the "Buy From" tab is activated, providing you with preferred exposure every time someone looks where to buy one of the roses you offer. I hope this helps. Should you have questions or need more help setting up your listing, please contact the Help Desk at roses@HelpMeFind.com . Good luck! It will be fun and interesting seeing all the wonderful roses your nursery offers! Thanks! Kim