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'A. Dvorak' rose References
Book  (2000)  Page(s) 1.  
Book  (Apr 1993)  Page(s) 3.  
Hybrid Tea, orange-pink, 1933, 'Mme. Butterfly' x 'Gorgeous'; Böhm. Flowers light pinkish orange, open, large, foliage glossy, dark; bushy growth.
Book  (1940)  Page(s) 4, 23.  
Page 4: A. Dvorak Hybrid Tea. (Böhm 1933)... light pinkish orange...
Page 23: Jan Böhm, Blatna-Cechy, Czechoslovakia. 'A. Dvorak'
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 228.  
Dvorak, Antonin (HT) J. Böhm 1933; M. Butterfly X Gorgeous; light pink-orange, very large, double, open, lasting, fragrance 7/10, floriferus, continuous bloom, bushy, Sangerhausen
Book  (1935)  Page(s) 219.  
New Roses of the World. Czechoslovakia.
A. Dvorak HT. (J. Bohm, 1933). 'Mme. Butterfly' x 'Gorgeous'. Bud large, ovoid; flower very large, open, extremely lasting, intensely fragrant, light pinkish orange. Foliage abundant, glossy dark green. Bushy; abundant, continuous bloomer.
Book  (1935)  Page(s) 17.  
Harry H. Hazlewood. The New Roses of 1935.
Light shades. The best is Antonin Dvorak (Bohm, 1933), which is a very variable variety with 45-50 petals. The raiser describes the flowers as "satiny rose and orange", and while occasional blooms have a deeper colour, many here opened ivory white without any shading.
Website/Catalog  (1935)  Page(s) 36.  
New Roses 1935.  Antonin Dvorak (HT. Jan. Bohm 1933) Vigorous branching growth and healthy, dark green foliage. The flowers are satiny-rose and orange and the variety is free and continuous in bloom. 4/- each.
45 petals. Very variable,  some blooms ivory white.
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