'Elise Boelle' rose References
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 155. Elisa Boëlle' Hybrid Perpetual, white, 1869, ('Elise Boelle'); Guillot Père. Description.
Book (Feb 1993) Page(s) 119-120. Includes photo(s). Elisa Boëlle Hybrid Perpetual Botanical grouping: Chinensis France 1869 ... deep pink... Recurrent during summer... full sun is required, and a regular pruning at the end of the flowering season...
Book (Jun 1992) Page(s) 130. Élisa Boëlle Hybrid Perpetual. Guillot père, 1869. Seedling of 'Mme Récamier'. [Author cites information from different sources.] White, delicately tinged with pink... White, lightly tinted flesh-pink, passing quickly to pure white...
Book (1986) Page(s) 104. Includes photo(s). Elisa Boelle Hybrid Perpetual (1869) A strongly fragrant, vigorous-growing rose of interesting beauty. Cupped blooms with petals that incurve. The flowers are large and pink with a deep pink flush. [the description and picture does not correspond to the correct 'Elisa Boëlle].
Website/Catalog (1983) Page(s) 18. Elisa Boelle. (Hybrid Perpetual). A vigorous rose with shapely, cupped flowers having incurving petals. Whitish-pink. Highly scented. Probably authentic as it fits Paul’s description perfectly. 1869. (R) 3 x 3’.
Book (1936) Page(s) 88. Boelle, Elisa (HP) Guillot 1870; M. Récamier X ? ; white, shaded light flesh-pink, medium to large, double, fine form, cupped, solitary. occasionally in 2-3s, fraggrance 8/10, floriferous, autumn-bloomer, growth 7/10. Sangerhausen
Magazine (Jun 1934) Page(s) 73. Le Jardin Botanique du Parc de la Tête d'Or possède, en outre des collections botaniques et médicinales d'environ 6.000 plantes.... Ces Hybrides Remontants, collection la plus importante comme nombre de variétés (environ 400), sont représentés par les vieilles et odorantes variétés : Baronne Prévost 1842, Jules Margottin 1852, Général Jacqueminot 1853, Souvenir de la Reine d'Angleterre 1855, Anne de Diesbach 1858, Mademoiselle Thérèse Levet 1864, Gloire de Ducher 1865, Baronne de Rothschild 1867, Paul Neyron 1869, variété très appréciée par les Touristes d'Uriage-les- Bains, Elisa Boelle 1869, Captain Christy 1873, Abel Carrière 1875 et d'autres encore aussi odorantes.
Magazine (3 Jun 1911) Page(s) 266. The Parentage of Roses. The following list of the world's Roses and their parentage has been compiled by Mr. Robert Daniel, 38 Russell Road. Fishponds, Bristol, and by his kind permission we are enabled to publish it... Elisa Boelle... Hybrid Perpetual, Guillot p., 1869, Seedling Mme. Recamier
Book (1910) Page(s) 285. Elise Boelle Hybrid Perpetual; flowers white, tinted with rose; growth vigorous. Very pretty. Raised by M. Guillot fils, at Lyon. Introduced in 1869.
Magazine (Aug 1906) Page(s) 298. Liste de variétés propres à former des massifs de une ou plusieurs nuances à végétation égale et touffue : Hybrides remontants.— Baronne A. de Rothschild, Captain Christy, Duke of Edinburgh, Elisa Boëlle, Général Jacqueminot, Louis Van Houtte, J. Margottin, Marguerite de Romans, Merveille de Lyon, Paul Neyron, Pœonia, Ulrich Brunner, Victor Verdier, etc.