'Jane Hardy' rose References
Newsletter (May 2013) Page(s) 2. Gray also introduced ‘Jane Hardy’, named for his wife, also a yellow tea, but it neither opened nor bloomed well
Book (1936) Page(s) 330. Hardy, Jean or Jeanne (noisette) Hardy 1859; yellow or flesh-pink, medium size, double.
Book (1902) Page(s) 90. Noisettes ordinaires.... 2522. Jeanne Hardy, Hardy 1859, jaune
Book (1899) Page(s) 85. Jeanne Hardy, noisette, Hardy, 1859, jaune
Book (1885) Page(s) 388, Vol 1. Noisette. Jean Hardy. Fleur moyenne, pleine; coloris rose carné.
Translation: Noisette. Jean Hardy. Medium-sized flower, full; blush pink color.
Magazine (6 Sep 1884) Page(s) 212. Name of variety: Jean Hardy, Class: N[oisette] Hardy, 1859. Golden yellow, medium size, full; an inferior Isabella Gray.
Book (1882) Page(s) 15. Jeanne Hardy... Variété recommandée pour l'ornement des jardins. Noisette. Hardy. 1859 Jaune. Fleur moyenne. Plante moyenne.
Book (1880) Page(s) Annex, p. 61. noisette, Jean Hardy, soft incarnate, medium size, double.
Website/Catalog (1868) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Price, 60 cents each except otherwise noted. 12 varieties, our choice, $6. Jane Hardy [sic]. Bright golden yellow; very double, beautiful rich foliage, free bloomer, tea scented. One of the best of this class.
Website/Catalog (1865) Page(s) 63. Noisette Roses. Jean Hardy, deep yellow, beautiful...