'Hinemoa' rose References
Book (1982) Page(s) 118. Dan Carew. Rotorua 36th National Spring Show. ....The main street is called Tutanekai, and around that name and Hinemoa lies a well known and perhaps the best loved of all Maori legends.....
Book (1972) Page(s) 61. The Final Analysis 1970-71 Season. 'Hinemoa' N.R.S. rating 8.0. 4ft. and compact. What a pity this N.Z. floribunda has not been more widely distributed. It is showy and exhibits well. One of the best multicolours
Book (1969) Page(s) 165. 'Hinemoa'. Floribunda. (P. G. Mason, '63) 'Circus x ?. Large 3-3 1/2 in.), semi-dbl. (17-20 petals), cupped, fragrant, buttercup-yellow shading to vermilion; cluster. Fol. bronzy, leathery. Upright, bushy; abundant bloom, rb.