'Big Ben' rose References
Book (2002) Page(s) 26. Rated 6.1
Book (2000) Page(s) 116. Includes photo(s). ‘Big Ben’ =Hybride de Thé… grand rosier… fleurs de belle taille, à cœur élancé, écarlate ombré de cramoisi. Bien doubles, elles s’épanouissent de juiin aux gelées, mais tendent à griller au soleil brûlant… ‘Big Ben’, toujours cultivé commercialement au Canada et en certains points des Etats-Unis, s’est révélé plus robuste que ses parents, mais s’il produit une belle fleur, il a omis le parfum. Il porte le nom de la célèbre cloche de la St Stephen Tower, au palais de Westminster. Gandy, UK, 1964.
Book (Sep 1993) Page(s) 77. Includes photo(s). Big Ben Large-flowered. Gandy's Roses (England) 1964. Description... velvety crimson... 'Big Ben' is the great bell of the Houses of Parliament in London. Parentage: 'Ena Harkness' x 'Charles Mallerin'
Book (Apr 1993) Page(s) 50. Big Ben Hybrid Tea, dark red, 1964, 'Ena Harkness' x 'Charles Mallerin'; Gandy. Description.
Book (1976) Page(s) 139. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria. Vintage New Cultivars. Big Ben HT. (Gandy, 1964), ('Ena Harkness' x 'Charles Mallerin'). The world rights were sold to an American firm and so it has not been released elsewhere. Very dark red. The blooms on my two-year-old plants are coarse, too big and malformed in the spring. They are good in the autumn. Upright growth.
Book (1975) Page(s) 105. p105. Dr. A. S. Thomas, Victoria. Some of the New Ones. Big Ben, HT. (Gandy, 1964). A beautiful, velvety dark red cultivar of excellent form, size, perfume and vigour. It was raised in England but world rights were sold to a firm in the U.S.A. Consequently it has never been in any Trial Grounds and so has not won any awards. A top class show rose and good in the garden.
p110. ibid. We are always looking for good red roses. 'Big Ben' (in this list) is one to recommend.